This will assist in the investigative process. This law applies whenever handling prepared food including filling the showcase as well as working the sandwich station. When leave is completed the employee will be reinstated to a position with the same job description and within a geographically proximate work location where they had previously been employed. Its required by the EEOC and its the right thing to do. Your Employee Handbook Checklist for 2020 (With Free Download!) TSHA | Whataburger - Handbook of Texas Obviously, Whataburger . Gross misconduct as laid out in the Conduct portion of this handbook will describe some actions that can lead to immediate dismissal regardless of whether or not previous warnings have occurred. [2020] Over 100 key dates and reminders to help you navigate business and HR compliance. When a rule violation or performance failure occurs that does not warrant termination, the following steps are generally applied. DON'T RISK BEING FIRED FOR THEFT! Full-time, Part-time . employee handbook 2020-2021 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK i MISSION: Show passionate gratitude every day for our Whataburger Family Members and Guests. Top buttons must be buttoned while working. PURPOSE/PERSONALITY: Whataburger is a good friend by your side. Clear away the routine and produce paperwork on the internet! For complete rules on the staff discount, please review the Store Policies portion of this handbook. C&I>|H? You may want to call corporate or visit their website. 210-476-6000. 5. Suggested Username: Full first name + first initial of last name + last 4 digits of SSN (Example: JohnS3310). Clock out after finishing your shift and leave the back area immediately. Theft includes giving out or receiving improper discounts, not charging appropriately, giving out or taking food, money or merchandise. A "serious health condition" is defined as a health condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility or continuing treatment by a health care provider. Whataburger thanks employees with $90 million in bonuses - 300 Concord Plaza Dr. San Antonio, TX 78216. Were in a competitive business. Please also notify your Manager or Supervisor as soon as possible. I acknowledge receipt of this Employee Handbook, and understand that my continued employment constitutes acceptance of any changes that may be made in content or application of the Handbook. Your Manager will make every effort to accommodate the days off that you need; however, a request off is not a guarantee. A handbook should serve as a guide for not only a company to protect itself, but it should provide specific guidance and expectations for all employees. 18, 2022. If you are not sure whether a situation involves harassment prohibited by this policy, please speak with your Manager or the Human Resource manager. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Keep in mind that when one employee gives out food to or improperly discounts the purchase for another employee, both are disciplined and both may be terminated. This type of harassment may also include statements or behaviors that are not directed toward a particular person but that are witnessed or heard by third parties. Managers and Operating Partners are also eligible for a monthly incentive program based on restaurant performance. Close cash drawer after each transaction. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The Ultimate Employee Handbook Guide (Including Free Template) 2020. 3.2 CIC Plus maintains appropriate security controls to protect that information. /Type /ExtGState If you anticipate having to resign your position, please notify your Manager two weeks in advance of the last day you are available to work. While we strive to provide an injury free workplace, we recognize that injuries may occur. The interactive design is user-friendly and highly engaging. Staff employees are permitted to apply this 10% discount. All paid time off such as vacation or personal days must be exhausted before the unpaid leave begins. Whataburger employees generally work 8.6 hrs a day. Not abiding by this rule constitutes theft on the part of the employee and will be handled accordingly. The register operator envelope must contain the following: *Initialed over-ring or refund receipts with 2 signatures and attached corresponding sales receipt. The goal is to set clear expectations for your team. If you are going to be late you must contact the store and let a Management team member know when you will be arriving to work. Spyware allows unauthorized parties potential access to company passwords and other confidential information. New employees are usually provided with an employee handbook during the onboarding process. You can enroll only when you are hired (until coverage eligibility) or during our annual open enrollment period in January. Discarding receipts is considered falsifying company records and may lead to disciplinary action. If you fail to clock in or out for any part of your shift, you must complete and sign a Time Card Authorization form and notify your Manager immediately. I further acknowledge that I have read the Handbook and understand its contents. Employees who have worked for the Company for at least twelve (12) months and at least 1,250 hours during the prior twelve (12) months may take up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid FMLA leave for the following reasons: The 12-month period is defined by Miranda Holdings as a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date a team member uses any leave covered under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Do not clock in and then get ready to work. Version 5.0.1. There should be no additional handling of any money once each transaction is complete. Your company is unique. The companys ability to respond effectively is strongest when it learns about conduct believed to violate this policy in a timely manner, before working relationships are irreparably damaged. 1. If you cannot work your shift for any reason other than a personal illness, you must notify your Manager at least 4 hours prior to the start of your shift. An employee handbook helps new employees learn about the company rules, policies, culture, and values. Pay & Benefits The internet includes email or blogs and sites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. This site is an employee self-service portal. Attorney, Terms of Please do not bring valuables to work. Texas' beloved Whataburger serves up jumbo $90 million bonus to employees The Ultimate Employee Handbook Guide (Including Free Template) 2020 If you do not show up for a scheduled shift and do not make contact with your Manager or District Supervisor, it will be considered a No Call, No Show and termination may result. Submit instantly to the receiver. Staff employees are permitted to apply this discount. There are a few managers that I get along with incredibly great and i actually enjoy my job with working with these select few managers. Get your online template and fill it in using progressive features. Attendance and tardiness are tracked according to the following policy guidelines: Unplanned Absences or Tardiness for Reasons other than Personal Illness. San Antonio-based hamburger chain Whataburger has awarded more than $90 million in bonuses to its employees as a thank you for . Whataburger Application Pdf 2020-2022 - Fill and Sign Printable Get Whataburger Paperless Employee - US Legal Forms Section 1 - Company Introduction Welcome Statement Mission Statement About this Handbook Equal Employment Opportunity Employment-At-Will Open Door Policy Section 2 - Employment Policies Employee Categories Performance Reviews Introductory Period Discipline PoliciesSection 3 - Time Away From Work and Other Benefits Benefits Overview Holidays Jury Duty Voting Leave Military Leave Family Medical Leave Act Leave Vacation Benefits Sick Days Insurance Benefits Workers' Compensation Section 4 - On the Job Practices and Policies Employment Records Payroll Overtime Timekeeping Working Schedule Lactation Breaks Direct Deposit Company Vehicles Property Policy, Section 5 - Standards of Conduct Non-Harassment Policy Non-Discrimination Policy Sexual Harassment Responsibilities Workplace Violence Employee Conduct and Work Rules Use of Communication and Computer Systems Punctuality and Attendance Personal and Company Owned Communication Devices Personal Visitors and Telephone Calls Inspections Smoking Confidential Company Information No Solicitation / No Distribution Conflict of Interest and Business Ethics Equipment and Property Including Intellectual Property Health and Safety Hiring Relatives Business Expense Reimbursement References Recording Device Policy Social Media Policy Employee Dress Section 6 - Acknowledgements General Handbook Acknowledgment Receipt of Non-Harassment Policy Receipt of Sexual Harassment Policy, Best practices, guidance and information for companies. The term harassment has a particular legal significance; it is not intended to describe all workplace conflicts or disagreements. The average Whataburger salary ranges from approximately $29,433 per year for a Team Leader to $157,412 per year for a Director of Operations. The toll free number is posted on all allergen signage and on the back of the Nutrition Guide. Type all required information in the necessary fillable fields. Plain white envelopes must be used for each register operator. Our culture of PRIDE, CARE & LOVE The brilliance of Orange, our signature color, shines through each and, every Whataburger Family Member. Showcase and explain your benefits! Motley Fool This handbook does a great job of laying out company benefits and policy, in a way that, well, to quote the Fool, doesnt make your eyes glaze over. This company did a good job summarizing employee benefits and policies while keeping the handbook welcoming and light-hearted. Place your e-signature to the page. /AIS false Ensures that a website is free of malware attacks. Management and other authorized staff have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at any time. Words in brackets are placeholders -- substitute them with your company's specific guidelines. The price of the burger was twenty-five cents. The average employee at Whataburger makes $26,990 per year. If you need to be absent from work for a pre-planned reason, you must submit a request in writing to your Manager. Whataburger is now 70 years old, and thanks to long-term investments in our people and our company, were. Questions and Answers about Whataburger Dress Code - Indeed The location for Whataburger #1 was 2609 Ayers Street, across from Del Mar College, in Corpus Christi. Guarantees that a business meets BBB accreditation standards in the US and Canada. I understand that our Company has the right at anytime and from time to time, without prior notice, to modify or discontinue in whole or in part any employee benefit plan, to make the same wholly or partly contributory or discontinue without prior notice, in whole or in part the employee benefit package. whataburger employee handbook 2022 - Qun 4 0 obj Employees at Whataburger report the work pace is extremely fast. Please be aware that every store has a video surveillance system for your safety and our security. Whataburger is a good friend by your side. Login Page - Only your Manager should hear your grievances and complaints. Please contact your Manager or the Human Resource department for details and eligibility requirements. Joining the Whataburger family means taking on new challenges - and potentially earning a six-figure salary at the Operating Partner level. . Attendance is mandatory for scheduled shifts: If you are scheduled, it is your responsibility to come to work. After six (6) consecutive months of employment, the company covers a portion of the cost of the health care plan. Here are the instructions to enable javascript in your web browser. Our state browser-based blanks and crystal-clear recommendations remove human-prone errors. Whataburger #1 took in fifty dollars on its first day. Follow the simple instructions below: The preparation of lawful papers can be expensive and time-ingesting. 11. This is like savoring the last of greatness. At-will employment means that an employer can fire an employee for any reason (as long as its not an illegal reason!) Not give any free food or product unless you are expressly authorized to do so by a management team member. Congious says she lost her job at Whataburger after a customer complained about her "Black Lives Matter" face mask. The purpose of the evaluation is to communicate your job performance and to assess your development. Failure to return to work on the first regularly scheduled workday following the expiration of the leave will be considered an unapproved absence and may result in termination of employment. If that is the case, please discuss with your Manager or the Human Resource manager. Related products: Jobs & Employment resources collection can be We also aim to create a pleasant and professional work environment that all employees can enjoy. Sign up at . New York State law prohibits a food service worker from wearing nail polish while handling food. It is important that Management be notified to provide help, investigate any unsafe condition and fulfill reporting responsibilities. SAN ANTONIO, March 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- On the heels of what has been an incredibly hard year, Whataburger has awarded more than $90 million in bonuses to . To be equitable in providing correction when there is a violation or problem with performance, we have a progressive discipline policy. Very rarely do we have problem customers. 13% of Whataburger employees are Black or African American. Each workplace has a different set of rules and expectations about how employees should behave. Theft, Personal While difficult to define, it may include unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature such as uninvited touching or sexual comments. 13. This is included in the free employee handbook template (PDF for Word Doc). They will offer the customer the same product free of charge. Any warnings that you received do not need to be for the same violation or performance failure. Whataburger brass notes that despite a global pandemic and a catastrophic, statewide freeze, employees (known as "family members") helped set record company performance numbers from March 2020 . stream Only clock in when you are immediately ready to work. In the UK this is a National Insurance Number. Please treat others with the same respect you would like for yourself. In order to qualify, you must work on average 30 hours per week. instructions to enable javascript in your web browser. Report. Email should be used for company business only. In the event that a customer leaves a credit card behind, the card must be given to a management team member immediately. employee paperless whataburger - Zappos. Orange means we take PRIDE in our work, we take CARE of each other. Smoking or tobacco use is prohibited in the building or anywhere on the premises. Sample Employee Handbook Template [A Complete Guide] | Workable The company requires strict adherence to all Federal and State laws regarding the employment of minors. Theft is a serious issue for any business and is considered by the company to be gross misconduct. View the current version of the uniform guide, below. Disciplinary action taken against misconduct will generally follow the progressive discipline policy. Many of these are included in our free employee handbook template. All company employees are advised that failure to abide by this Workplace Harassment Policy will be taken very seriously and will result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination. For the USA please use SSN (Social Security . This is not necessary if you feel uncomfortable dealing with the situation directly. In some cases, we also receive information about that employees dependents and family members. Be grounded in our history, yet forward thinking and innovative. sidang parlimen terkini 2021. You are an at-will employee which means that you or the company can terminate the employment relationship at any time and for any reason.