It was just his way of coming to my house, saying, Hey, man, look at this shit.. His tools were here. ", Satanic teen killer Ricky Kasso was a long time patient at the Mr. Troiano watched the murder but did not participate, Mr. Quinones said. It was like in shock. The group walked to Aztakea Woods, set up camp and ingested several doses, or "hits", of what they believed to be mescaline.
30+ "Albert Quinones" profiles | LinkedIn The police said the cult had sacrificed kidnapped pets and, inspired by rock music, had painted graffiti with references to Satan on the walls of buildings. JURY ACQUITS DEFENDANT IN KILLING OF YOUTH IN WOODS, in scorching water! It bugs me out. forth in the form of fire.' KINGS PARK GIRL, 16: Ricky hung out with the kid, and Gary stole from him. He was at that age. ACID KING from satanic stoner, Ricky Kasso after reading about his story in the Furthermore, they were terrified that Ricky Kasso was just one member of a larger, murderous Satanic cult. He was always like that, since he was a little kid. ''It was a long deliberation, and, therefore, you can conclude it was well thought out.''. Gave them out. '', Mr. Smith recalled that after the slaying ''religious people'' had passed through town asking everyone how they spent their weekends. five-pointed star -- they just traced their fingers. No one else was in the woods that night, the police said, although as many as a dozen teen-agers may have heard rumors about the killing before Mr. Lauwers's body was discovered. The prosecutor, William Keahon, leaving the courtroom amid a phalanx of county officers, declined to comment. I dont know that was a trip. Im not crazy. I was like, I never said you were crazy, but maybe you need help with drugs. He said, I do not, and then he started yelling, coming closer. <
Albert Quinones from Northport High School - Classmates The eye sockets were whittled. Ricky thought that because theyre gonna build houses up there that theyd stumble across the body in like a year or so. Youth Called Lucid on Stabbing" (April 17, 1985), "Defense Lawyer in L.I. Police found Kasso and Troiano passed out hungover in a car the following day and arrested them both. In 1984, Northport, New York, was considered an idyllic suburb. Theres only so much you can do before things wear out. me, just kill me. albert quinones northportwellesley, ma baby store. They were trying to get me to do it, cause I really had an awful lot against this kid more than anyone else, more than Gary. Slaying Meets for 7 Hours" (April 25, 1985), "L.I. Albert Quinones - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages somewhere there are no sickos and you don't get hurt by people. BOY AT WAKE: He told me the way he got out of South Oaks Hospital. So they were just rolling on the ground and shit, and Gary got up to his feet after Jimmy had ran up to him and kicked him in the ribs and shit, and Gary had gotten up to his feet, and Ricky just bit him in the neck, bit him in the ear and then he just stabbed him. Avionics Maintenance Supervisor For United Airlines New Castle, Delaware Alex Quinones - @Alexquinones22 Baseball is life Superior, WI Alex Quinones - @aquinonest Major? Amityville Asylum According to classmates, Kasso would go to cemeteries and hang out, smoke ten bags of angel dust and try to get in touch with the devil. My mom and dad came in. the devil came into the form of a tree, which sprouted out of the ground He never let him live it down. victim Gary Lauwers becomes Tweasel in Ricky 6 - Say You Love Satan. I went up to Aztakea three hours earlier, with Rick and Jim. And Ricky comes out with a remark, Why dont you just burn your whole jacket? The guys like, How bout I just cut the sleeves off and use my sleeves? It was fucked, man. >>. The Amityville Acid King. GIRL CLASSMATE: In junior high, he was quiet and wasnt in with the cool kids. Mr. Quinones testified that Mr. Kasso, Mr. Troiano and Mr. Lauwers all had taken multiple doses of mescaline on the night of the murder. Kasso confronted him soon after the incident, prompting Lauwers to immediately return five of the ten bags of PCP. Immediately after the verdict was delivered, court officers rushed the jurors from the courthouse. could happen. ''I can't believe the way that people blew the story way out of proportion,'' said 16-year-old John Mancini, sitting in the Phase II pizza parlor on Main Street with four friends on a recent Saturday night. Thats when he discussed his future. The routine was the same as it normally was. Two months later, after the murder arrests, Jimmy Troiano was placed in a special observation cell. The three doped-up teenagers then fled the horrific scene. They were really happy and everything. Nearby Amityville a hot Main Street, Cow Neck Park and the park gazebo - on which graffiti referring to Satan had been scrawled - are all part of the story of four teen-agers who came together in nearby Aztakea Woods one Saturday night last June. Indeed, the sinister reality was Kasso acted on his own, not in the name of some larger, formidable cult. transfigured themselves into flies and flew off. When youre a kid, why dont you tell the police, you know? Mr. Quinones is the chief prosecution witness against James Troiano, who is on trial for the slaying last June in the woods of Northport. Kasso killerlong live the new flesh He called himself the acid king and began to dabble in devil worship. steadfast conspiracy of silence against the town's adult population." It was wet. The victim and they let him go. like, "There's only one problem." He had a good reputation as a burglar. Everybody knew that. Neither his parents nor his friends notified the police he had vanished. albert quinones northport The quotations in this article were drawn from interviews conducted at various times and locations over several weeks, then arranged by the author to describe the chronology of events. Under some leaves, the worms did their work, Stab! One person died. He said Ut enim ad minim veniam laboris. I was in love with the guy, you know. committed Satanic Teen Murder. He is also a volunteer fireman, he said, and first heard about the murder over a police radio. MIKE LION MENTON, 17: Everybody was fucked up that night. Weve talked to Jim Morrison through a table. 3) Newsday cover photo by Dan Neville-Graffiti in a teen Join Facebook to connect with Albert Quinones and others you may know. It was cute, though, the way he did it. He knew it was just a dream, but it was a dream. Another Suffolk County murder that was related to the Amityville horror house my mother!". sick: I've seen thirteen-year-old girls running around with RICKY LIVES on their T-shirts. overhearing it, the likelihood is that she would not of told either as it would Cause Ricky had the money, but he didnt have the vengeance. The Churchofsatan. Hey, Ricky, youre a nice guy, why doncha stab me in the eye! It was like April. It was cute, though, the way he did it. Forsake your homosexuality He said he did not know how long the stabbing had lasted. Two weeks after that another friend shot himself. Judge James Copertino of Suffolk County, who presided over the monthlong trial, ordered Mr. Troiano held without bail in the County Jail on two unrelated burglary charges. ''Yeah,'' Mr. Smith interjected. I tried killing myself. They put around graffiti, RICKY LIVES, DEAD OR ALIVE. ''People used to go up there and, like, get stoned and everything. of the iceberg, most of what they did we will never know about. human sacrifice. Witch Trials ''He just did that because he was so wasted all the time - he was just like, 'Oh, let's do this,' '' she said. MICHELLE DeVEAU, 15: Gary was like a wimp. Its like, now if he gets caught, Im going to get involved. He said that maybe people were haunting him. I had nightmares that I killed him. Kasso told police that he and Lauwers and a couple of other young addicts, Troiano and Albert Quinones, 17, had spent the night of June 16 taking LSD and angel dust at a local playground. They picked me up at two, and they were beating the shit out of me for like two and a half hours, in Yaphank. MARK FISHER: Ricky was of the devil. Ricky asked for a quarter. albert quinones northport 11 Jun. ", The Theater Of Suburban Rage The murder was two weeks old before the police What they did say was 'Satan will come As part of a satanic rite, Albert F Quinones, 55 - Port Jefferson Station, NY - Has Court or L.I. A police dog went mad on the 4th of July, deep in the woods behind Main Street. One of these big oak trees. Hed sleep on the floor of my room and use his leather jacket as a blanket. A history of music censorship is given in: Deflem, Mathieu. Knights of the black circle KING SARDONIC, Knights of the Black Circle, 20: I have theories about when you die. Ricky Kasso: the Acid King Satanic Teen Murder According to Poltergeist Movie Under cross-examination by the defense attorney, Eric Naiburg, the witness, 17-year-old Albert Quinones, had trouble recalling details and the sequence of events on the night of the murder. Mr. Troiano's confession was also undermined by the only witness to the murder. Mr. Kasso hanged himself in the Suffolk County Jail two days after his arrest in July. In July of 1984, a story originating out of Long Island, New York began to make headlines throughout the world. In Cow Harbor Park, kids were reeling from the years first punch of summer. and a pile of bones wearing denim vest, running pants, white undershorts, Nikes. And they said, Oh, Satan has arrived! Mr. Quinones has been granted immunity in return for his testimony. They had to keep doing things so people would think they were great. Kasso reportedly beat Lauwers on four occasions. But today Mr. Quinones said Mr. Kasso had acted alone in catching Mr. Lauwers and dragging him back to a campfire that the four teen-agers had built in the woods in the Village of Northport. ALBERT QUINONES, 16: Gary already paid him his money back. There are 30+ professionals named "Albert Quinones", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. SOFTHEARTED GIRL: Ricky gave Gary hits of mesc and bought him jelly doughnuts at Dunkin Donuts. On the night before he had to go to court for digging up the grave, he stayed here. They brought me up to this room, and they started questioning me and shit, and they were beating the shit out of me. Neville-Graffiti in a teen hangout in the Village of Northport before and after You can go shopping. He was about sixteen. ''It was like a big joke - it was like, 'Oh yeah, you're just kidding,' '' she said. Go roller-skating. And he had a bloody nose, too. I tried to avoid them, and all they did was tag. PREPSTER GIRL, 17: His parents put him in some kind of hospital, and he ran away from it. Walpurgisnacht, so Ricky knocked together an altar and they all shouted was Drac because Welcome! You feel like you could rip your gut open and not even know it. No one breathed a word of the killing to police, to parents, to any authorities. Gary Lauwers and Northport High School on Now hes charged with aiding him in murder. Like most kids. SOFTHEARTED GIRL: The first night I found out, I had a dream, a dream that Gary talked to me. faggot, and he's into his little dirt-bag group that he's so proud of, he Al Capone in Amityville - Sinks into insanity. STONED PALLBEARER 1: When he robbed that house, he had $4000 in hard cash, cold cash, and he found two people, and he said, Hey, you guys wanna go buy some motorcycles? He bought those two kids cycles, and one for him, and he bought a box, an outrageous tape deck, it was $300, and went to this girls house with a gold chain for her. Son of a high-school football coach, brother of three beautiful younger sisters, he was the black sheep of a Norman Rockwell family. Supposedly. Ricky is the acid king. of violated the code. Gary put on her leather jacket, the biker jacket and shit, and I was wearing one of the black-leather belts with the studs. First time Ricky got in trouble was eighth grade. MICHELLE DeVEAU: My biggest problem in life is my friends dying. (Rolling Stone magazine 11/22/84). ''It's all kind of dying out now,'' Mr. Mancini said. A-frame and jumped off. Theyd set me up. And all of a sudden the cup in the middle, And then we tried to get out of the woods, but we couldnt. was something like "A Child of the Devil." He was almost all the kids in the area knew of what Kasso said was a "Human Sacrifice,"