Romanian translation used either obsolete or dialectal / regional words and expressions (or both) through out the novel and this can point out an obvious difference of language use between generations. Contextual meaning of a word is always effective semantically and stylistically owing to its unexpectedness as well. He worshipped the memory of Allie,and he kept Allie's left-handed mitt in his suitcase. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. The difficulties while translating are connected most of all with conveyance of national character of one or another work: the brighter it reflects national life the more illuminate characteristic situations the more difficult for the translator to find adequate functional figurative means. In 1951 Salinger released his novel, The Catcher in the Rye, an immediate popular success. One of the main problem or difficulty in translation- is the use of bilingual dictionaries. J. D. Salinger used a lot of epithets in his work The Cather in the Ray in order to present a good characteristic of the characters which are in the work and of the objects that he used in his work the epithets were used for pointing out to the reader some of the properties or features of the characters and of the objects with the aim of giving an individual perception and evaluation of these features or properties. For example, Louis Menand said that the early stories of Pulitzer Prize- winner Philip Roth- were affected by J. D. Salinger. In fact his main goal is to resist maturing. Holden has already demonstrated that he fears and does not know how to deal with conflict, confusion, and change. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. i have to pick 2 points on Allie's baseball mitt that reflects on isolation. He "[tore the composition up and [threw] it away angrily. In the novel Holden says I put my red hunting hat on, and turned the peak around to the back, the way I liked it, and then I yelled at the top of my god dam voice, "Sleep tight, ya morons! " You can view our. Catcher Ch 3-5 questions Flashcards | Quizlet Nevertheless the translators have tried to compensate this loss through distinctive methods. Holden's deep unresolved sadness over the loss of his brother, a person he tells us was better than him,who should not have died at such as young age, indicates that he feels a sense of guilt over being alive Holden questions why he should still be here, when he brother, who was smarter and kinder than him should be dead.One of the central questions that Holden asks in the book, and never receives a satisfactory answer to, is how can a young person die and the world, his family, accept it and move on with their lives. In conclusion, there are countless symbols in The Catcher in the Rye. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliffI mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. One might think that if the distinction can be made, people are home free and the computer can produce an acceptable translation. J. D. Salinger with his well-known work The Catcher in the Rye is also one of the main representatives of this literature. The translator is always alert in order to catch a passage that is marked, forms a particular sensitivity allowing the translator, to stop and think about an unusual formulation even when in translators experience he/she never ran across that particular idiomatic expression. But it can also be said that a more diversified way of translating the same linguistic structures may indicate a better adaptation to the TL, although the psychological effect on the readers of Holdens linguistic repetitions is not as strong as in the ST. He is mad that he is not able to stop the kids from getting their innocence taken away. Generally speaking, the more difficult an expression is to understand and the less sense it makes in a given context, the more likely a translator will recognize it as an idiom. How did Holden know Stradlater's date, Jane Gallagher? . (J. D. Salinger: 7). The writings of the Salinger become very important for this time period, because he goes against the grain of society to show how it is wrong. Ive selected Holdens red hunting hat, the Museum of Natural History, and the Ducks in Central Park Lagoon. So we take on the following tasks: It would be necessary to transfer the original American jargon into target language expressions. Holden's isolation is expressed in the fact that while Stradlater goes out on a date,Holden is all alone in his dorm room, doing homework for his roommate. The second point that would be investigated in this work is the translation difficulties which are presented through various types that would be in details discuss in this reseach paper. The same types of words and phrases are used in presenting explanations and arguments. Franny and Zooey, NY, Bantam1964: Goodman, Anne. The works of Salinger show the quest for happiness through religion, loneliness, and symbolism. Metaphor is transference of some quality from one object to another. They talk, argue, and then reconcile, and Phoebe asks Holden what he wants to do with his life. In all languages there are typical norms of word combinability. Slang should be distinguished from jargon, which is the technical vocabulary of a particular profession. It took the standards of The New Yorker editors, among them William Shawn, to refine his writing into the "spare, teasingly mysterious, withheld" qualities of "A Perfect Day for Banana fish", The Catcher in the Rye, and his stories of the early 1950s. A major theme and also strong influence concerns the war and the army life present throughout his short stories, especially during and after his participation in the Second World War. Some have argued that Salinger's tale of the human condition is fascinating and enlightening, yet incredibly depressing. ?>. The author used this kind of interjection in order to describe Holdens surprise to the question given by the old Spenser Oh, well its long story (J. D. Salinger: 29) J. D. Salinger used this interjection in order to demonstrate that Holden didnt know the story. While most of Holden's confusion stems from what he interprets as a homosexual come-on from Mr. Antolini, some of it stems from the conversation they have. Most often is the correspondence of first lexical-semantic variants of such words their primary meaning then we have various lexical-semantic variants for the course of development of these words was of different nature. 20% The ducks are in context to a scripture in the Bible, which tells of how the ducks are Free. The Catcher in the Rye - Wikipedia According to most analyses, The Catcher in the Rye is a bildungsroman, a novel about a young character's growth into maturity. The Holy book gave him peace. An opaque expression may be easier to translate than a transparent one. When rendering stylistic meaning of the source text a translator should be guided by the same principle to recreate in translation the same impression that might be left by the original text. An idiom may be used in the source text in both its literal and idiomatic senses at the same time. It should be discussed cases of linguistic inconsistency in the Romanian version, such as the rendition of intonational stress. The main strategy used was the practical act of comparing the above-mentioned versions, focusing on the importance of Salingers writing style and use of language (already discussed in the first chapters), on discussing mainly the cases of misunderstandings and mistranslations, of problems of equivalence, of losses and gains, of linguistic untranslatability, of the translators visibility or invisibility in the TT, on accuracy in translation, adaptability, fidelity and faithfulness or infidelityall these cases seconded by examples in point and by my personal suggestions of other possible translations of certain (more challenging) words or passages from Salingers novel. "Mad about Children." Stradlater didn't like it, he was annoyed because he was supposed to write about a room Why did Stradlater punch Holden? Few linguists have endeavored to clearly define what constitutes slang. Modernist literature often features a marked pessimism, a clear rejection of the optimism apparent in Victorian literature. The glove was covered with poems which Allie had written on it so he could read them when he became bored in the outfield. Stradlater had said the composition was supposed to be a simple description of a room, a house, or something similarly straightforward. Moreover, the characters created by Salinger used to have some obstacles to fins their own happiness; but, suddenly, it appears the religion as a solution, as a way of liberation: it supposes the end of the suffering for each character. . Once an idiom or fixed expression has been recognized and interpreted correctly, the next step is to decide how to translate it into the target language. for a group? The more Holden focuses on his dead brother, the more alone he feels. He reads Holden's composition and becomes visibly annoyed, asserting that it has nothing to do with the assignment and that it's no wonder Holden is being expelled. The combination of the first two types of are clear pointed out to the reader in the beginning where the author used indirect speech for giving clear details about the main character and also this type is used through whole novel for giving more detail where it is necessary, the direct speech is used by the author in order to show to the reader the way of talking of the characters of the novel. In the case of the "hammer and anvil" idiom, a lexical rendering could be "to be in an uneasy, stressing situation". The author used in his novel the comparison to show to the reader the variety and difference in Holdens thoughts. They are sometimes called dead metaphors. Equally surprising is Holdens willingness to go to the movies after his diatribes against their superficiality. The law of compensation is a technique used in translation to make up for the losses present in the TT and it works by (re)creating other effects, similar to the ones specific to the ST but in the TT when possible and using the TL resources, a law applicable in the Romanian versions discussed. For the first time, I can see a definite connection between the main character in the story and the author. The unexpectedness of word usage is closely connected with expressiveness of the statement. $24.99 But Holden cannot think of anything to say about a house or a room, so he writes about a baseball glove that his brother Allie used to copy poems onto in green ink. Collocations is the way in which particular ors tend to occur or belong together. his brevity, conciseness and concentration of style; his attentiveness to details and to exact dates and facts; his constant reference to parts of the human body; his leitmotif of the letter or note; his constant way of picturing certain female characters painting their nails or toenail or the recurrent motif of a man holding a childs feet; his constant references to colors and the symbolism within colors; his penchant for coining new words or changing different parts of speech into others; his inclination of dealing with psychological problems in his fiction; his tendency to use the pattern of sequencesequence in his characters namesin his themes, etc. What are some of the things Holden tells Stradlater about her? He does not connect with the people around him, but dwells on people who are memories, like Allie and Jane Gallagher. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. Describe Holden's relationship with Jane Gallagher in The Catcher in the Rye. The scientists identify the next types of translation difficulties and these types are: The first step towards an examination of the process of translation must be to accept that although translation has a central core of linguistic activity, it belongs most properly to semiotics, the science that studies sign systems or structures, sign processes and sign functions (Hawkes, Structuralism and Semiotics, London, 1977). The second chapter contains practical information from the book written by the writer that represent this period J. D. Salinger with his best-known novel The Catcher in the Rye. According to Lotfipour-Saedi, the texture of a text can be characterized by textual features of: Cohesive relations may be grammatical or lexical. The writer of the novelThe Cather in the Ray also used another interjection such as Yeah? All these meanings of this word could be seen in the third chapter in the example dirty hell in English that is translated into Romanian as ngrozitor de murdare that point out that the author used not only the main meaning of the word in his novel but and the secondary meanings of the word. will help you with any book or any question. Holden's brash decision to attack Stradlater is a result of his pent-up anxiety and anger. It exist a thin line between seriousness and humour. Such idioms lend themselves easily to manipulation by speakers and writers who will sometimes play on both their literal and idiomatic meanings. It lowers, if temporarily, "the dignity of formal or serious speech or writing"; in other words, it is likely to be seen in such contexts as a "glaring misuse of register.". The Romanian version tends to add words or phrases to the TT. Much of Salinger's reputation, which he acquired after publication of The Catcher in the Rye, is derived from thoughtful and sympathetic insights into both adolescence and adulthood, his use of symbolism, and his idiomatic style, which helped to re-introduce the common idiom to American literature. The whole arrangements designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn't supply them with. (2019, Mar 02). They played checkers and became good friends. equivalence of form and shape. The tension between the two increases when Holden asks Stradlater about his date with Jane. Renews March 10, 2023 They argued that Salinger's concerns represented an entire generation of American youth, frustrated by the phoniness of the world, just like Holden was. The presence of the hat, therefore, mirrors the central conflict in the book: Holden's need for isolation versus his need for companionship. Chapter 5-9 - Chapter 5-9 1. About what did Holden write Latest answer posted November 15, 2019 at 6:03:44 PM. In this case, a translator who is not familiar with the idiom in question may easily accept the literal interpretation and miss the play on idiom. Inter-language translation means substituting verbal signs of one language by verbal signs of another language, or switching from one language code to another one. Discount, Discount Code Along with traditional combinations in languages unexpected combinations are also possible, but they are quite clear, for they follow generally accepted semantic models of word combinability. Stradlater Character Analysis in The Catcher in the Rye | SparkNotes The wider is the semantic volume of a word, the wider is its combinability, thus due to this feature it can interact with various word forms and word combinations. No game.. International words are words that are used in a wide range of languages in one or several forms. The symbol of isolation lies in the hat that Holden wears while he is writing. This has been mainly achieved by the careful and analytical comparison of some identical passages from the ST with its translations. This is not possible. But the impossibility of such a fantasy is the tragedy of Holden's situation: rather than face the challenges around him, he retreats to a fantasy world of his own making. It is often subsumed under the general umbrella of 'relying on the context to disambiguate meanings', which, among other things, means using our knowledge of collocational patterns to decode the meaning of a word or a stretch of language. Salinger probably wanted to establish a temporal perspective and not risk having the reader assume that Holden was writing something like a diary or journal. Textual (syntagmatic) equivalence, where there is equivalence of the syntagmatic structuring of a text, i.e. Rev. What is Holden's view of women and girls in The Catcher in the Rye? Volume 17, The World book Encyclopedia, World Book Inc a Scott Fetzer Company Chicago London Sydney Toronto 1997,,,1767434,00.html,, In this chapter also will be exemplifies that Salingers fiction followed a chronological evolution, that there has been a well defined process of creating certain typical characters and that his characters evolved from the early prototypes in his short stories to the fully developed characters in his mature works, or even disappeared for good from his literary creations in a few cases. What did Holden decide to write about in Stradlater's composition in This novel revolutionised the society of the Fifties; as well as the style of J.D. Contextual meaning of a word in many instances depends on the character of semantic context, on the semantics of the words combining with it. The museum represents the world Holden wishes he could live in: it's the world of his catcher in the rye fantasy, a world where nothing ever changes, where everything is simple, understandable, and infinite. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Therefore omission and supplementation are frequently combined with other types of grammatical transformations and more frequently with substitution of parts of speech. And finally, it can be said that Salinger didnt assume the fame as well as other authors and hes actually out of the literary world. This passage, in which Holden explains why he loves the Museum of Natural History, is located in Chapter 16. Some idioms are 'misleading'; they seem transparent because they offer a reasonable literal interpretation and their idiomatic meanings are not necessarily signalled in the surrounding text. In the theory of translation, this type of code switching is called atransformation. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compilers intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. They used to live near each other and hung out over the summer, Holden really liked her. The interaction of different types of lexical meaning: J. D. Salingers The Cather in the Ray is full of stylistic device that made authors style more clear and sometimes more interesting. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing Holden's isolation is expressed in the fact that while Stradlater goes out on a date, Holden is all alone in his dorm room, doing homework for his roommate. What is possible in one language maybe impossible in another because of its difference in semantic structure and its usage? (Chapter 7, pg. Lexical cohesion is a relation that exists between or among specific elements of different sentences in a text and is achieved through the vocabulary. Holden's jargon is consistent and very enlightening. The problem is to find a translating expression. The Modernist period is a time of the late XIXth and XXth centuries that was marked by the work of the great writer that activated during this period. Statements which are justifications of some action take the form of arguments. There are certain elements in every language which make reference to something else within the text or context of situation for their interpretation. False friends - are an umbrella term where some similarity between two words in a language pair dealt with look or sound sufficiently alike to sometimes make translators render the source word by a target word that is semantically wrong in that context. After Stradlater asks the expelled Holden to write a composition for him because he "doesn't know where to put the commas," Holden writes, "That's something else that gives me a royal. ); Intensification of a feature (simile, hyperbole, periphrasis). With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. The main strategy used was the practical act of comparing the above-mentioned versions, focusing on the importance of Salingers writing style and use of language (already discussed in the first chapters), on discussing mainly the cases of misunderstandings and mistranslations, of problems of equivalence, of losses and gains, of linguistic untranslatability, of the translators visibility or invisibility in the TT, on accuracy in translation, adaptability, fidelity and faithfulness or infidelityall these cases seconded by examples in point and by my personal suggestions of other possible translations of certain (more challenging) words or passages from Salingers novel. He reads Holden's composition and becomes visibly annoyed, asserting that it has nothing to do with the assignment and that it's no wonder Holden is being expelled. Rev. One example of those symbols is that Holden changed his personality when he was at the fountain in Central Park: he became a new person when he was near the water. Translation of these words depends on the context, which helps to identify their concrete meaning. There is another kind of stylistic transformation actualization which involves transition of something simple into something unusual, strange. The Romanian translation is obviously courageous in the choice of words, modem in the choice of vocabulary and linguistic register. You Have to Read in the course of. He uses letters and phone calls and he connect different ideas, like innocence and adolescence with the Hollywoods corruption. Holden cannot get a moment alone; Ackley continues to barge in with his made-up sex stories, and when Holden writes the very personal composition about his brother Allie, Stradlater criticizes it and then taunts Holden about Jane. And it is quite natural that this matter covers a wide range of examples. It is obvious from the start that Holden uses the hat as a mark of individuality and independence. He has different perspective to other people, even though he has a. I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over. Salinger. To this I can also add the already discussed idea that even native speakers can get more meanings from a ST and its translation than by simply reading the ST in original. Reserved epithets composed of two nouns linked by an of phrase. Just got back from New York with fencing team and because he was on his way to say goodbye to Mr.Spencer. He resents society as he does not seem to be part of it, and looks for sense of real place for him, where he could focus more on his phoniness. This can be done on diachronic level: Chaucers text is translated into modern English. The volume meaning of these words does not usually coincide (except term-words). It was tried to achieve this aim by centering on the case study of comparing and analyzing in detail the differences and similarities, the gains and the losses that have occurred both in the English and in the Romanian versions. Already a member? The New Republic, Vol. He alludes to his behavior almost in passing, saying that he slept in the garage on the night of Allies death and broke all the windows with his bare hands, just for the hell of it. He tried to break the car windows as well, but could not because his hand was already fractured from smashing the garage windows. So it is the central. As his thoughts about the Museum of Natural History demonstrate, Holden fears change and is overwhelmed by complexity. It is clear inthe early chapters, that Holden does not have any real friendsat Pency Prep. There are three symbols unparticular that are used most regularly in the novel. It was started by trying to define the concept of translation based on significant theoreticians points of view but it had not been an easy task. They sought to capture the essence of modern life in the form and content of their work. harmony in order to life, The Importance of Stradlaters Composition in the Catcher in the Rye. What Holden does not yet realize, however, is that he carries his torment with him, inside himself. The ability to distinguish senses by collocation is an invaluable asset to a translator working from a foreign language. . Hes trying to get across that Holden hates conflict, hes confused by Allies senseless death, and he fears interaction with other people. . The practical chapter will single out examples of translation difficulties from the sourse language English and target language Romanian. We must think that the authors language was revolutionary, new and controversial at the time his first stories were published. It occurs in Chapter 22, after Holden has slipped quietly back into his apartment and is speaking with Phoebe. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. First, they dont contain all phraseologisms, then because every day new ones are formed, and lastly because dictionaries have a limited length and cannot contain all. Salinger uses religion as a means for liberation. It may have various kinds of lexical meanings (lexical-semantic) variants; it may widen or narrow its meaning and make it more abstract and concrete. Salinger used his teenage years as reference in creating Holden. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. In both cases, we sense that although Holden envisions himself as the protector rather than the one to be protected, he is the one who really needs to be caught. The author used the next kind of epithets grand people (J. D. Salinger: 8) which is a simple epithet because is used by an adjective and a noun. Through his work in The Catcher in the Rye, we can see Salinger's battle fatigue or post-traumatic stress disorder in his character, Holden Caulfield. She had lived next door to Holden before he came to Pencey. Instead of paying attention to the game, he would write poetry on his glove while playing the outfield. He wants life to remain frozen like the display cases in the museum. While applying some grammatical or lexical transformation in translation the translator is guided by principle of rendering grammatical of lexical meaning. How Does Carl Change In A Bridge To Wiseman - 623 Words | Bartleby If we talk about the language at Catcher in the Rye, we can say that the author uses a simple writing, with several interjections and qualifier adjectives; the tone of this novel is colloquial and full of teenagers expressions (it is written in a monologue and in lively slang; its also important the chronolect). All Questions and Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver These mistakes are caused not only by difference in their semantic structure but by the difference of their usage as well which demand lexical changes. how does this poem differ from traditional sonnets interflora; airmessage vs blue bubbles; southside legend strain effects; abd insurance and financial services; valenzuela city ordinance violation fines; my summer car cheatbox; vfs global japan visa nepal contact number; beaver owl fox dolphin personality test; Community Indeed, they force us to look for a set of somehow Romanian equivalent expressions or structures in order to capture all these elements in our own translation. They think that society is harmful and they dont like to be in it. Log in here. The mitt reminds holden of his brother and is the only thing he can be descriptive about so it is what holden writes Stradlater's report on it. He lets the reader know how the character feels at that time and his or her thoughts. Written translation as well as oral one presents itself a complex and manifold process. Idiom more than any other feature of language demands that the translator be not only accurate but highly sensitive to the rhetorical nuances of the language. He is a nonconformist. This has been mainly achieved by the careful and analytical comparison of some identical passages from the ST with its translations. Simile is a more cautious form of metaphor. catcher in the rye study guide Flashcards | Quizlet They also represent what he fears most about the adult world: complexity, unpredictability, and potential for conflict and change. In the case of non phraseological rendering, there are two possibilities: one can opt for a lexical translation or for calques.
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