, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Brain, 131(1), 5059., Blumgart, E., Tran, Y., & Craig, A. Adolescents also may be particularly susceptible to peer pressure and bullying at this time. social anxiety disorder (Brundage et al., 2017; Craig & Tran, 2014; Iverach et al., 2018), speech sound disorders (St. Louis & Hinzman, 1988; Wolk et al., 1993), and. Guilford Press. Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders, 17(2), 49. Operant treatment (e.g., Palin ParentChild Interaction Therapy, Kelman & Nicholas, 2020; Lidcombe Program, Onslow et al., 2003) incorporates principles of operant conditioning and uses a response contingency to reinforce the child for fluent speech and redirect disfluent speech (the child is periodically asked for correction). The frequency and severity of overt stuttering may fluctuate from day to day and in relation to the speaking situation. Consistent with treatment approaches for children and adolescents, treatment for adults needs to be individualized, dynamic, and multidimensional. Stuttering and bilingualism: A review. Impact experienced from stuttering, or covert features of stuttering, may include. Often referred to as advertising in the stuttering community, self-disclosure can involve. Daly, D. A., Simon, C. A., & Burnett-Stolnack, M. (1995). Communication apprehension, loss of control, and shame may also develop as individuals experience greater difficulty with communication. With this approach, parents are trained to provide verbal contingencies based on whether a childs speech is fluent or stuttered (M. Jones et al., 2005; Onslow et al., 2003). In D. Ward & K. Scaler Scott (Eds. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(5), 12381250. B. The skilled helper: A problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. The term atypical has been applied to rapid atrial tachycardias with ECG patterns differing from the typical and reverse typical flutter described above, and also to re-entrant tachycardias with circuit configuration different from the typical RA flutter circuit, even if they have an ECG pattern similar to typical flutter., Beilby, J. M., Byrnes, M. L., Meagher, E. L., & Yaruss, J. S. (2013). Typical adolescent experiences of emotional reactivity, resistance to authority, and social awkwardness may be exacerbated in adolescents who also experience stuttering (Daly et al., 1995; Zebrowski, 2002). Onset may be progressive or sudden. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(8), 26912702. Merrill. Current Biology, 26(8), 10091018. Just as individuals may experience feelings of shame or fear associated with showing stuttering, individuals also may experience negative feelings associated with using speech modification strategies, which often make their speech sound different from natural speech (Ingham & Onslow, 1985; Martin et al., 1984). Group experiences and individual differences in stuttering. Dosage depends largely on the nature of the treatment (e.g., direct, indirect), age group, and the task level (e.g., learning basic skills requires more clinic room practice than does generalization). Bray, M. A., Kehle, T. J., Lawless, K., & Theodore, L. (2003)., Davis, S., Howell, P., & Cooke, F. (2002). Seminars in Speech and Language, 35(2), 114131. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 39(2), 335345. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 35(4), 333354. Douglass, J. E., Constantino, C., Alvarado, J., Verrastro, K., & Smith, K. (2019)., Murphy, W. P., Yaruss, J. S., & Quesal, R. W. (2007a). Drayna, D. (2011). The SLP works with parents and families to create an environment that facilitates fluency and that helps them develop healthy and appropriate communication attitudes (Onslow et al., 2003; Yaruss & Reardon-Reeves, 2017)., Fry, J., Millard, S., & Botterill, W. (2014). Our primary goals were to identify patterns in overt features of WFDs and to extend our understanding of this clinical profile by focusing on aspects of . Journal of Fluency Disorders, 33(2), 8198. Consultation with family members, educators, and other professionals regarding fluency variability (when disfluencies are noticed most and least) and the impact of disfluency. Developmental Disfluency vs. Atypical Dysfluency/Stuttering: When to be The Lidcombe Program of early stuttering intervention: A clinicians guide. 142185)., Han, T.-U., Root, J., Reyes, L. D., Huchinson, E. B., du Hoffmann, J., Lee, W.-S., Barnes, T. D., & Drayna, D. (2019). Toward a better understanding of the process of disclosure events among people who stutter. However, a school-age child or adolescent who stutters may not report their experience accurately, possibly due to a lack of awareness or a desire to appease the clinician (Adriaensens et al., 2015; Erickson & Block, 2013)., Finn, P. (2003). Language abilities of children who stutter: A meta-analytical review. explaining or interpreting symptoms of stuttering, providing advice on how to respond to someone who stutters, or. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 49(1), 5358. Application of the ICF in fluency disorders. Some families may decide to send children to live with relatives or ask children not to speak in public (Shenker, 2013). PLOS ONE, 10(7), Article e0133758. Stuttering: An integrated approach to its nature and treatment. Persons who stutter may appear friendlier when they self-disclose their stuttering, and self-disclosure may help put listeners more at ease (Healey et al., 2007). International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17(4), 367372. Helping adolescents who stutter focus on fluency., Harley, J. The purpose of assessing school-age children and adolescents for fluency disorders is to determine the presence, the extent, andmost importantlythe impact of the fluency disorder and the potential benefit from treatment. Erickson, S., & Block, S. (2013). Approximately 88%91% of these children will recover spontaneously with or without intervention (Yairi & Ambrose, 2013). Journal of Fluency Disorders, 50, 7284. Building trust by following the students lead, finding out what experiences may be motivating, and bringing together peers for support are treatment options to consider (Hearne et al., 2008). In addition, clinicians need to avoid using religious or highly familiar texts that individuals may know by rote., Kraft, S. J., & Yairi, E. (2011). Fluency: A review of developmental and remedial practices. Potential neurological underpinnings of cluttering include dysregulation of the anterior cingulate cortex and the supplementary motor area (Alm, 2011) as well as increased activity in the basal ganglia and premotor cortex (Ward et al., 2015). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(9), 24832505. Time pressures for verbal communication and requirements to use the telephone may lead to stress and discomfort. facilitates conversations between the individual and their family about the experience of stuttering, the individuals communication expectations, their life goals, and how to holistically support communication (see, e.g., Berquez & Kelman, 2018; Millard et al., 2018; Rocha et al., 2019). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(5), 13711372. A meta-analysis did find differences in the receptive vocabulary, expressive vocabulary, and mean length of utterance between children who stutter and children who do not stutter, with children who stutter generally performing relatively weaker (Ntourou et al., 2011). Part of the diagnostic process is also to distinguish between stuttering disfluencies and disfluencies that occur when learning a new language. SIG 16 Perspectives on School-Based Issues, 15(2), 7580. (2019). The person exhibits physical tension or secondary behaviors (e.g., eye blinking, head nodding) associated with the disfluency. excessive levels of typical disfluencies (e.g., revisions, interjections), maze behaviors or frequent topic shifting (e.g., I need to go toI mean Im out of cheese. ), Cluttering: Research, intervention and education (pp. (Eds.). Overexpression of human NR2B receptor subunit in LMAN causes stuttering and song sequence changes in adult zebra finches. 157186). Mindfulness is an intentional awareness of the present moment (e.g., through meditation) to help disengage from automatic thoughts and redirect attention, de-escalate emotions, and increase self-acceptance (Boyle, 2011; Harley, 2018). An examination of various aspects of auditory processing in clutterers., Bray, M. A., & Kehle, T. J. The impact of stuttering on adults who stutter and their partners. As children who stutter get older, they may become adept at word and situational avoidances that result in a low frequency of overt stuttering. Starkweather, Janice Westbrook. increasing effective and efficient communication. Such strategies include simulating a fast rate of speech and applying pausing and/or simulating overarticulated speech and applying increased emphasis to increase intelligibility. Stuttering severity may vary dramatically by speaking situation. Prins, D., & Ingham, R. J. Reading slowly may be perceived as a reading problem, even though the underlying cause is stuttering. Typical vs Atypical Pneumonia in Tabular Form 6. van Zaalen, Y., & Reichel, I. K. (2014). Children who stutter (ages 39 years) have reduced connectivity in areas that support the timing of movement control. There are several indicators of positive therapeutic change. Awareness and identification helps speakers better understand communication, speech, and stuttering along with their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. (2011). There are limited data on the age of onset of cluttering; however, the age of onset of cluttering appears to be similar to that of stuttering (Howell & Davis, 2011). In contrast, children with reading disorders are likely to have difficulty decoding the printed form, which, in turn, has a negative impact on oral reading fluency (Kuhn & Stahl, 2003). Mancinelli, J. M. (2019). (2019). American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27(3S), 12111223. For a child with normal disfluencies, a "wait and see" approach is much more acceptable than for a child with early stuttering. The epidemiology of cluttering with stuttering., Briley, P. M., & Ellis, C. (2018). The SLP can instruct parents in how to modify the environment to enhance fluency and reduce communication pressure. Effectiveness of intensive, group therapy for teenagers who stutter. Yaruss, J. S., Quesal, R. W., & Reeves, L. (2007)., American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Academic Press. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (United States Department of Labor, n.d.) protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability via a 504 plan. EBP Briefs, 2(4), 18. For stuttering, the assessment will identify risk factors associated with stuttering, the severity of stuttering, and the presence of other speech and language concerns. The effects of self-disclosure on the communicative interaction between a person who stutters and a normally fluent speaker. ), Cluttering: Research, intervention and education (pp. The imbalance of stuttering behavior in bilingual speakers., Ntourou, K., Conture, E. G., & Walden, T. A. avoidance behaviors (i.e., avoidance of sounds, words, people, or situations that involve speaking); escape behaviors, such as secondary mannerisms (e.g., eye blinking and head nodding or other movements of the extremities, body, or face); and. There may be a relationship between stuttering and working memory. These brain differences have previously been observed in adults who stutter (Weber-Fox et al., 2013). Setting refers to the location of treatment (e.g., home, community-based [including work settings], school environments, clinic room). Tourettes syndrome (see Van Borsel, 2011, for a review). increased social communication participation (Manning & DiLollo, 2018). Speech modification (including fluency shaping) strategies (Bothe, 2002; Guitar, 1982, 2019) include a variety of techniques aimed at making changes to the timing and tension of speech production or altering the timing of pauses between syllables and words. Cluttering: A handbook of research, intervention and education. For example, when selecting reading passages, it may be difficult to determine the linguistic complexity of a text in a language unfamiliar to the clinician. Speech modification approaches to stuttering treatment in schools. Journal of Communication Disorders, 48, 3851. Consider the individuals age, preferences, and needs within the context of family and community when selecting and adapting treatment approaches and materials. Disfluencies noted in bilingual children and adults are similar to those found for monolingual speakers (Shenker, 2013). Some individuals develop speech habits to escape or avoid moments of overt stuttering, such as changing words or using interjections (e.g., um, uh), and they may become so skilled at hiding stuttering that their speech appears to be fluent (covert stuttering; B. Murphy et al., 2007). American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(1), 1428. Some persons who stutter report psychosocial benefits, including personal and relationship benefits and positive perspectives about stuttering and life. However, sensitive temperament (individual behavioral characteristics or reactions) and emotion are commonly seen as traits associated with stuttering in young children. Atypical disfluency has been documented through case studies and has been described as final part-word repetition or "rhyme repetition". Their description details the characteristics of each stage, along with treatment goals and processes appropriate for each stage. Stuttering in animal models, such as zebra finches (Chakraborty et al., 2017) and mice (Barnes et al., 2016; Han et al., 2019), has also been investigated, including how the expression of stuttering influences social behaviors of mice (Han et al., 2019)., Han, T.-U., Park, J., Domingues, C. F., Moretti-Ferreira, D., Paris, E., Sainz, E., Gutierrez, J., & Drayna, D. (2014). School Psychology Review, 30(1), 135141. Oral reading may not be a valid measure of reading fluency for children who stutter, as fluency breakdowns will slow reading rate., Plexico, L. W., Hamilton, M. B., Hawkins, H., & Erath, S. (2019). having flexibility based on individual needs and desired outcomes (Amster & Klein, 2018). It may occur only in specific situations, but it is more likely to occur in these situations, day after day. Self-regulation and the management of stuttering. Educating families about local support organizations for people who stutter and their families. These strategies help individuals learn about the speech mechanism and how it operates during both fluent and disfluent speech so they can modify it., Silverman, S., & Bernstein Ratner, N. (2002). Psychology Press., Millard, S. K., Zebrowski, P., & Kelman, E. (2018). Clinical utility of self-disclosure for adults who stutter: Apologetic versus informative statements. Overall, the lifetime prevalence of stuttering was estimated to be 0.72% (Craig et al., 2002). Yairi, E., & Ambrose, N. (2013). The most common atypical disfluency of concern is word-final . For example, individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disability, or seizures have higher odds of stuttering. (n.d.). Best practice for developmental stuttering: Balancing evidence and expertise. Supplementing stuttering treatment with online cognitive behavior therapy: An experimental trial., Yaruss, J. S., Coleman, C., & Hammer, D. (2006). Helping individuals who stutter become more accepting and open about their stuttering may help them have workplace conversations about it, advocate for themselves, and build support systems within the workplace (Plexico et al., 2019). Evaluation of speech-related attitude by means of the KiddyCAT, CAT, and BigCAT, within a larger behavior assessment battery framework for children and adults who stutter. Through a process of identifying the assumptions underlying their thoughts, they can evaluate whether those thoughts are helpful (or valid) and ultimately adopt different assumptions or thoughts. Unlike stuttering, there are no data regarding age since onset and long-term outcomes of cluttering. Other strategies for treating cluttering include overemphasizing multisyllabic words and word endings, increasing awareness of when a communication breakdown occurs (e.g., through observation of listener reactions), and increasing self-regulation of rate and clarity of speech. Cluttering can co-occur with other disorders, including. 2335). Cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness training in the treatment of adults who stutter. SIG 17 Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders, 2(17), 4249., Yaruss, J. S. (2007). In B. J. Amster & E. R. Klein (Eds. The model describes the following stages of behavioral change: See Manning and DiLollo (2018) and Floyd et al. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 36(2), 110121. continued management (Plexico et al., 2005). Limited research is available that identifies the causes of cluttering. Empirical research on whether bilingual individuals who stutter are more disfluent in one language than the other is sparse and based on small case studies (Tellis & Tellis, 2003), but many bilingual individuals who stutter report this to be the case (Nwokah, 1988). Although cluttering has been reported in children as young as 4 years of age, the diagnosis is more commonly made at about 8 years of age (Ward, 2006), when a childs language becomes lengthy and/or complex enough for symptoms to manifest themselves. atypical pauses within sentences that are not expected syntactically (e.g., I will go to the., Adriaensens, S., Beyers, W., & Struyf, E. (2015). Measurement and modification of speech naturalness during stuttering therapy., Weber-Fox, C., Wray, A. H., & Arnold, H. (2013). Treatment should consider not just the overt stuttering behavior but also the affective and cognitive reactions to stuttering. 155192). One example of an approach that incorporates cognitive restructuring is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT; Beilby & Brynes, 2012; Beilby et al., 2012a; Palasik & Hannan, 2013). American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29(1), 201215. Stuttering as defined by adults who stutter. Format refers to the manner in which a client receives treatmentindividually, as part of a group, or both. Healey, E. C., Reid, R., & Donaher, J. The creative process in avoidance reduction therapy for stuttering. . Fear of speaking: Chronic anxiety and stammering. Often, the main reason for seeking advice from an SLP and initiating services is to eliminate or greatly reduce disfluent speech. Human GNPTAB stuttering mutations engineered into mice cause vocalization deficits and astrocyte pathology in the corpus callosum. (2018). Genetic bases of stuttering: The state of the art, 2011. Breakdowns in fluency and clarity can result from. Human Brain Mapping, 38(4), 18651874. (2014). In N. B. Ratner & J. Tetnowski (Eds. Traditional stuttering modification strategies (Manning & DiLollo, 2018) include the following: These strategies require an individual to identify a moment of disfluency before, during, or after it occurs and to make adjustments to reduce tension and struggle., Kuhn, M. R., & Stahl, S. A. Understanding and treating cluttering. educates the individual who stutters and their family members about stuttering and communication and. Subjective distress associated with chronic stuttering. Parents of bilingual children easily can be trained to provide perceptual ratings of fluency in any language spoken by the child (Shenker, 2013). Genetic contributions to stuttering: The current evidence. (2003). Scientific Reports, 7(1), 118. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 54, 113. (1982). Self-disclosure involves communicating to others information that reveals ones identity as a person who stutters. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Scaler Scott, K., & Ward, D. (2013). Reducing bullying through role-playing and self-disclosure. (2013). Higher incidence rates of stuttering have been reported in preschool-aged children (11.2%; Reilly et al., 2013), with prevalence estimates reported as 2.2%5.6% (Yairi & Ambrose, 2013). Myers, F. L. (1992). Prevalence of stuttering in African American preschool children. Smith, A., & Weber, C. (2017). This law also applies to organizations that receive financial assistance from any federal department or agency. Changing adolescent attitudes toward stuttering. Stuttering and work life: An interpretative phenomenological analysis., Harasym, J., Langevin, M., & Kully, D. (2015). SLPs also need to discuss with persons who stutter and their families how to evaluate the veracity and trustworthiness of sites claiming to cure stuttering that they may find on their own. ), Cluttering: Research, intervention and education (pp. Young children may or may not verbalize their reactions to stuttering. Intrajudge and interjudge reliability of the Stuttering Severity InstrumentFourth Edition. Fluency Disorders (Practice Portal)., Tellis, G. M., & Tellis, C. M. (2003). Most individuals who stutter demonstrate both observable disfluency and negative life impact (Beilby et al., 2012b; Ribbler, 2006; Tichenor & Yaruss, 2019a; Yaruss et al., 2012). When a student stutters: Identifying the adverse educational impact., Langevin, M., Bortnick, K., Hammer, T., & Wiebe, E. (1998). Individuals may exhibit pure cluttering or cluttering with stuttering (van Zaalen-Opt Hof et al., 2009).
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