Non-standard, as the OIDC specification calls for this code only on the. UserAccountNotInDirectory - The user account doesnt exist in the directory. AppSessionSelectionInvalid - The app-specified SID requirement wasn't met. Public clients, which include native applications and single page apps, must not use secrets or certificates when redeeming an authorization code. Review the application registration steps on how to enable this flow. The OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type, or auth code flow, enables a client application to obtain authorized access to protected resources like web APIs. An application may have chosen the wrong tenant to sign into, and the currently logged in user was prevented from doing so since they did not exist in your tenant. Flow doesn't support and didn't expect a code_challenge parameter. Retry the request. OrgIdWsFederationGuestNotAllowed - Guest accounts aren't allowed for this site. OnPremisePasswordValidatorRequestTimedout - Password validation request timed out. The app can decode the segments of this token to request information about the user who signed in. Indicates the token type value. The use of fragment as a response mode causes issues for web apps that read the code from the redirect. TokenIssuanceError - There's an issue with the sign-in service. InvalidRealmUri - The requested federation realm object doesn't exist. Developer error - the app is attempting to sign in without the necessary or correct authentication parameters. Tip: These are usually access token-related issues and can be cleared by making sure that the token is present and hasn't expired. The authorization code itself can be of any length, but the length of the codes should be documented. The redirect address specified by the client does not match any configured addresses or any addresses on the OIDC approve list. If it continues to fail. 73: The drivers license date of birth is invalid. AADSTS70008: The provided authorization code or refresh token has expired due to inactivity. Applications using the Authorization Code Flow will call the /token endpoint to exchange authorization codes for access tokens and to refresh access tokens when they expire. Try signing in again. If it's your own tenant policy, you can change your restricted tenant settings to fix this issue. You can find this value in your Application Settings. LoopDetected - A client loop has been detected. error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or Viewed 471 times 1 I am using OAuth2 to authorize the user I generate the URL at the backend send the url to the frontend (which is in VUE ) which open it in the new window the callback url is one of the . Follow According to the RFC specifications: invalid_grant The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client. The suggestion to this issue is to get a fiddler trace of the error occurring and looking to see if the request is actually properly formatted or not. DeviceNotDomainJoined - Conditional Access policy requires a domain joined device, and the device isn't domain joined. Invalid client secret is provided. Hope this helps! . Thanks OAuth2IdPRefreshTokenRedemptionUserError - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. The authorization code is invalid or has expired The application can prompt the user with instruction for installing the application and adding it to Azure AD. The refresh token is used to obtain a new access token and new refresh token. Data migration service error messages - Google Help Authorization code is invalid or expired - Ping Identity Authorization is pending. Certificate credentials are asymmetric keys uploaded by the developer. EntitlementGrantsNotFound - The signed in user isn't assigned to a role for the signed in app. var oktaSignIn = new OktaSignIn ( { baseUrl: "https://dev-123456.okta . Or, sign-in was blocked because it came from an IP address with malicious activity. UserInformationNotProvided - Session information isn't sufficient for single-sign-on. The scopes must all be from a single resource, along with OIDC scopes (, The application secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app. OnPremisePasswordValidatorUnpredictableWebException - An unknown error occurred while processing the response from the Authentication Agent. {identityTenant} - is the tenant where signing-in identity is originated from. The refresh token has expired or is invalid due to sign-in frequency checks by conditional access. Typically, the lifetimes of refresh tokens are relatively long. If you expect the app to be installed, you may need to provide administrator permissions to add it. UserStrongAuthEnrollmentRequiredInterrupt - User needs to enroll for second factor authentication (interactive). They can maintain access to resources for extended periods. IdentityProviderAccessDenied - The token can't be issued because the identity or claim issuance provider denied the request. The client application might explain to the user that its response is delayed to a temporary error. Check your app's code to ensure that you have specified the exact resource URL for the resource you're trying to access. Alright, let's see what the RFC 6749 OAuth 2.0 spec has to say about it: invalid_grant The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client. Solution. You or the service you are using that hit v1/token endpoint is taking too long to call the token endpoint. Invalid domain name - No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. This error can occur because of a code defect or race condition. QueryStringTooLong - The query string is too long. Application {appDisplayName} can't be accessed at this time. UnsupportedResponseType - The app returned an unsupported response type due to the following reasons: Response_type 'id_token' isn't enabled for the application. DebugModeEnrollTenantNotFound - The user isn't in the system. Authorization Server performs the following steps at Authorization Endpoint: Client sends an authentication request in the specified format to Authorization Endpoint. Usage of the /common endpoint isn't supported for such applications created after '{time}'. To fix, the application administrator updates the credentials. Authorization code is invalid or expired error - Constant Contact Community WindowsIntegratedAuthMissing - Integrated Windows authentication is needed. Looks as though it's Unauthorized because expiry etc. 202: DCARDEXPIRED: Decline . Try again. The client application might explain to the user that its response is delayed because of a temporary condition. The client credentials aren't valid. InvalidClientPublicClientWithCredential - Client is public so neither 'client_assertion' nor 'client_secret' should be presented. A list of STS-specific error codes that can help in diagnostics. Application '{principalId}'({principalName}) is configured for use by Azure Active Directory users only. The access token is either invalid or has expired. A new OAuth 2.0 refresh token. Either an admin or a user revoked the tokens for this user, causing subsequent token refreshes to fail and require reauthentication. code: The authorization_code retrieved in the previous step of this tutorial. The token was issued on {issueDate} and was inactive for {time}. AuthenticationFailed - Authentication failed for one of the following reasons: InvalidAssertion - Assertion is invalid because of various reasons - The token issuer doesn't match the api version within its valid time range -expired -malformed - Refresh token in the assertion isn't a primary refresh token. The specified client_secret does not match the expected value for this client. Expected Behavior No stack trace when logging . OnPremisePasswordValidationEncryptionException - The Authentication Agent is unable to decrypt password. 405: METHOD NOT ALLOWED: 1020 The client application isn't permitted to request an authorization code. The passed session ID can't be parsed. It shouldn't be used in a native app, because a. Retry the request. Try again. Error: The authorization code is invalid or has expired. #13 ApplicationUsedIsNotAnApprovedApp - The app used isn't an approved app for Conditional Access. You might have to ask them to get rid of the expiration date as well. This can be due to developer error, or due to users pressing the back button in their browser, triggering a bad request. Protocol error, such as a missing required parameter. e.g Bearer Authorization in postman request does it auto but in environment var it does not. Have the user retry the sign-in. Reason #1: The Discord link has expired. It may have expired, in which case you need to refresh the access token. if authorization code has backslash symbol in it, okta api call to token throws this error. Authorization-Basic MG9hZG5lcDhyelJwcGI4WGUwaDc6bHNnLWhjYkh1eVA3VngtSDFhYmR0WC0ydDE2N1YwYXA3dGpFVW92MA== 9: The ABA code is invalid: The value submitted in the routingNumber field did not pass validation or was not for a valid financial institution. Check the apps logic to ensure that token caching is implemented, and that error conditions are handled correctly. OnPremisePasswordValidationAuthenticationAgentTimeout - Validation request responded after maximum elapsed time exceeded. Refresh token needs social IDP login. I could track it down though. The display of Helpful votes has changed - click to read more! The SAML 1.1 Assertion is missing ImmutableID of the user. If you double submit the code, it will be expired / invalid because it is already used. The requested access token. DelegationDoesNotExist - The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID X. DeviceNotCompliant - Conditional Access policy requires a compliant device, and the device isn't compliant. So far I have worked through the issues and I have postman as the client getting an access token from okta and the login page comes up, I can login with my user account and then the patient picker . It's usually only returned on the, The client should send the user back to the. The OAuth2.0 spec provides guidance on how to handle errors during authentication using the error portion of the error response. User-restricted endpoints - HMRC Developer Hub - GOV.UK Thanks :) Maxine For more information about. Some common ones are listed here: AADSTS error codes Next steps Have a question or can't find what you're looking for? If a required parameter is missing from the request. You can check Oktas logs to see a pattern that a user is granted a token and then there is a failed. The browser must visit the login page in a top level frame in order to see the login session. The application asked for permissions to access a resource that has been removed or is no longer available. error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired OutMessageContext:OutMessageContextentityId: OAuthClientIDTW (null)virtualServerId: nullBinding: oauth:token-endpointparams: {error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired.
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