Mahmoud el Wahb, writer (Turkey) Marcelle Shehwaro, New York NY (USA) . After what seemed like an eternity of looking over their papers, the border guard finally stapled temporary visas onto their passports and let them through. However, Mahmoud pulls Hana out of his mothers arms and someone takes her on board, saving her from drowning and the freezing water (many such travelers are unable to save themselves or their children. She lifted the trumpet to her lips. Refugee (Alan Gratz) Answered Questions | Q & A Isabel saw the glass window of a general store shatter, and men and women climbed inside to steal shoes and toilet paper and bath soap. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. No sirens rang. refugee_-_alan_gratz was published by Mrs. Wilson on 2020-03-22. Khalid (17) IWB does part of the story take place in 1939? This is Syria, not Iran! But everyone seemed to be having fun. Their children looked like miniature versions of them, and acted like miniature adults toothere was very little crying and whining, and none of the kids were playing. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Daesh thought they were fighting the final war of the apocalypse, and anyone who didnt agree with their twisted perversion of Islam were infidels who should have their heads cut off. He has one brother one baby sister and a mom and dad. and more. Thus, Mahmoud recognizes the importance of being visible, and his story also raises visibility for the many Syrian refugees who continue to need aid in the present. If he and his family didnt make it to Cuba, if they werent allowed in, where would they go? He walked on along the promenade, looking for a steward he could tell about the bathroom stalls. The differences between Sunnis and Shiites was an excuse. Mahmoud Bishara was invisible, and that's exactly how he wanted it. Mahmoud had been going to meet his best friend, Khalid. Josef walked the Promenade deck by himself, a new man. Papi! she called. This blog is an opportunity for me to explore topics through books! Thank God youre all alive! he cried. The box didnt have any other Ninja Turtles in it, but Waleed would be excited to get it. Mahmoud's baby sister. To safety. Please, take us with you!, At least take my sister! Mahmoud begged. When the refugees reach Austria, people greet them with cheers and throw them food, water, and supplies. She can eat the scraps. The fisherman eyed the cat suspiciously. They were headed for Hamburg, on the north coast, where his father would meet them to board their ship. Isabel caught up with her father and grandfather, then parted ways with them on the Malecn, the broad road that curved along the seawall on Havana Harbor. Please! Mahmoud cried. She says that she thought, Frau Rosenburg explains that she was a refugee, too, and shows, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Mahmoud told his dad that he wanted to board a boat and go to Italy, where he'd have a chance to go to school. Mahmoud caught himself smiling. How old is Mahmoud Bishara Josef the refugee? They left the villages gravel road and hauled the boat over the dunes to the sea. Papi had already tried to flee Cuba twice. Josef and Ruth clung to each other, terrified and wet-faced with tears. Could it really be? He travelled to Aleppo and Damascus in Syria. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with, Al-Assad took military action against the rebel Syrians. Are you all right? Waleed finally looked up at him. Im just doing my job.. I found a bit of dead fish on the beach for the cat. Isabel recoiled at the smell, but the kitten came running back, eating greedily from Ivns hand. Tomorrow. Incidents like this were common in Aleppo lately. It had been before Kristallnacht, before the Nuremberg Laws that made Jews second-class citizens, before the boycotts and book burnings. One. Sajid Javid (/ s d d d v d /; born 5 December 1969) is a British politician who served as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from June 2021 to July 2022, having previously served as Home . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (including. Her lunch hadnt been much bigger than the catsjust a few beans and a small pile of white rice. What is the falling action of Mahmoud in refugee? But arguably Josefs most difficult decision is the one he must make at the novels conclusion: when the Nazis offer Rachel the option of releasing just one of her children, Josef sacrifices himself to relieve Rachel of this burden and to keep Ruthie out of the extermination camps. Hours later, the train pulled in to Hamburg Central Railway Station. CRACK! Isabel watched as Mami cleaned his cuts with a washcloth. Mahmoud finally reached him, snatching him up and away from the cliffs edge that used to be their wall. Which is usually that dog Assad. Mahmoud breathed again with relief. Youssef Bishara Mahmoud, Waleed, and Hana 's father, and Fatima 's husband. Characters of Refugees Landau, Josef. Refugee weaves together the stories of three families as they seek sanctuary in other countries. No more Ministry of Telling People What to Think or Else, he said. We didnt ask for civil war! Do you understand? I Yes, Josef stammered. Which country are Mahmoud and his family in at the end of the chapter? Refugee Flashcards | Quizlet The Nazis hadnt said it with words, but the message was clear: Josef and his family werent wanted in Germany anymore. With his fathers mental health deteriorating quicker, Josef threatens him to ensure that he can pass the medical inspection to get into Cuba, reversing their roles as father and son. Mahmoud saw a cardboard box of used toys at one of the shops and knelt to dig in it while his The rioters and police traded rocks and bullets, and a man with a bloody head staggered past Isabel. Germany? Mahmoud felt as stunned as his mother sounded. Ruthie skipped ahead of Josef along the sunny Promenade deck, happier than hed ever seen her before. Cuban music that everybody seemed to hear except her. [2][3]. Sell it, Isabel told him. Youre old enough to be her grandfather. Lito just took that as a challenge. In becoming an adult, he has many responsibilities that he is forced to take. No ambulances came to help the wounded. What were you thinking? the boy whispered. Mahmoud grabs onto it, bringing Fatima and, the Coast Guard for them. Left with no other choice, the family embarks and rides through the pouring rain headed for Greece. By tradition, ten or more Jewish men, a minyan, was needed for a public service. Josef was about to leave when he thought to buy Ruthie a piece of candy. The Brownshirt in charge laughed. Aaron Landaus eyes bulged from his gaunt face as he turned to look at his children. He wanted to look away, but he was worried that might make the guards think he was hiding something. The policemen pulled off their berets, and Isabel recognized one of them instantlyone was Luis, the Castilloss elder son! Thats what they wantedto get out of Syria using the fastest path possible. Izzat so? the fisherman said. Ill get another one in the States, she said. The boy thrust the armband at Josefs chest. This is what they do. Im Renata Aber, said the older of the two girls, and this is Evelyne. They were sisters, and, amazingly, they were traveling alone. We have to get on board before they stop us. But I have tickets, Mama said. Josef Landau, Isabel Fernandez, and Mahmoud Bishara are the primary protagonists of Refugee. The two older boys became Mahmouds and Khalids own personal bullies, delivering repeated beatdowns between classes and after school. The right answer and they lived; the wrong answer and they all died. Mahmoud grabbed the railing to steady himself and waited a long, breathless moment to see if the stairs were going to collapse. St. Louis was the name of a city in America, Josef had learned. He treated them like real passengers. They kept arguing, but the engine and the slap of the boat against the waves drowned their words out for Isabel. Mahmouds father, Youssef, meets them outside in the car and tells them they are escaping the country right away. No! Lots of them! Then by boat? The vacationers dropped their voices, and even though Mahmoud couldnt understand what they were saying, he could hear the disgust in their words. But the good people couldn't help you, either." Alan Gratz Mami started counting clave by clapping, and Isabel frowned, trying to follow the beat. By now he knew what an incoming missile sounded like. A wife! The other policeman shook out his long black hair, and Isabel was startled to realize it wasnt a policeman at all. I wish from the bottom of my heart that you will land soon, Little Man, Officer Padron said again. And he had been beaten up as badly as Khalid. Well all go, while Castro is letting people out, she went on. refugee_-_alan_gratz Pages 1-50 - Flip PDF Download | FlipHTML5 This gains a large amount of media attention, and Austrians greet them at the border with food, water, and medicine. People were as thick on the ground as sugarcane. This wasnt what the tourists had paid for. The refugees are welcomed in Austria, and Mahmoud's family takes a train to Germany. They were supposed to be on holiday, seeing ancient ruins and beautiful Greek beaches, not stepping over filthy, praying refugees. She lunged for her children, but one of the Nazis grabbed her nightgown and pulled her back. RAMALLAH, March 20, 2018 (WAFA) - President Mahmoud Abbas' speech at a Palestinian leadership gathering in Ramallah hit the front page headlines in Palestinian dailies on Tuesday. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Im a man now. And when those soldiers said one of us could go free and the other would be taken to a concentration camp, Josef said, Take me.. Quickly. Mahmouds mother pulled the end of the scarf up over her face so that only her eyes were showing. Mama! Josef cried. Three children in different times and places all become refugees He quickly called over two of the stewards, and soon they had the portrait down and were taking it from the room. Tedros, the highest-ranking UN official, visited the country to check on earthquake victims. Refugee By Alan Gratz Flashcards | Quizlet There was an old Arabic proverb that said, Close the door that brings the wind and relax, and thats exactly what they did; while the rest of the Middle East was rioting, Syrians stayed inside and locked their doors and waited to see what would happen. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. I dont know. Josef couldnt wait for his bar mitzvah. All right, Mahmouds father was saying. He was Luis Castillo, Ivns older brother. Visas. Papa shook his head too quickly. How would they live? The lights of Havana had faded to a speck on the horizon behind them, and they had left all the other boats behind. He screamed even louder than his little sister, drowning her out. The camera lights swung around again, and thats when Isabel saw the police. (LogOut/ He understands that being unnoticed helps him avoid trouble, but he also begins to see the problems with remaining invisible, because it prevents good people from taking notice of them and providing aid. Must be doing sixteen knots, easy, said one of the stewards. on her iPhone. After walking for days, the family finally crosses the border into Turkey, in step with hundreds of other fleeing refugees (3.5 million and counting refugees now live in Turkey). Wait here, he told her. I dont remember much about him, but I do remember he always wanted to be a grown-up. Refugee Themes - Always quick to raise his hand in class, and always with the right answer. (including. When they got close to the ramp, Papa hunkered down behind the last of the crates. Its a trap. Refugee (Gratz novel) - Wikipedia Grade: A. Entertainment Weekly Harrowing, timely. People Magazine Nothing short of brilliant. Kirkus Reviews, starred review Memorable and tightly plotted. Publishers Weekly, starred review His breath left him all at once, and he fell to the floor with a heavy thud in a heap of metal and mortar. Two giant tan smokestacks stuck up from the middle of the ship, one The MS St. Louis was a paradise. Its French, and old, and plays like a dream. The fisherman sighed. It felt like ages since hed been inside a synagogue. The rebels and the army and Daesh are all fighting here, he said, pointing to places on the map. Its not safe here. He brandished a pistol at Mahmouds family and demanded money before forcing them to flee. They had all walked too far and seen too much. Refugees, just like Mahmoud and his family, who had left their homes in Syria and were walking north to Turkey. T he main themes in Refugee are trauma and growing up, the dehumanization of refugees, and empathy and hope. And food ration booklets were pretty worthless anywaythere wasnt enough food to go around, whether you had a booklet or not. Students will see themselves in the young protagonists: children faced with tragic circumstances but who, at their heart, are just kids who love their families and want to live in peace. Then, Fatima emerges from the bedroom with, Mahmoud: Just Outside Aleppo, Syria 2015, 1 day from home, soldiers is hit and killed. The smuggler had just told them their boat wasnt leaving tonight. And why not? They all continue to walk for twelve hours, all the way to Austria and freedom. . No! His teacher, Herr Meier, had called him to the front of the room. Refugee by Alan Gratz Flashcards | Quizlet But as relieved as he was, he knew they still had so very far to go. These boys had just wanted to beat someone up. Assuming we stop to sleep every night, thats a nineteen-day walk. Were not criminals! one of the other men in the cell yelled at him. And back again. Isabels heart soared, and she hopped up and down. The spell of happiness and safety was momentarily broken by the unforgettable memories of the chaos they had just escaped. High above her, Isabel saw people climbing out onto the big electric sign hanging from the side of a tourist hotel, and it gave her an idea. You must leave your coat on and never go anywhere without it, do you understand? Mahmoud learns to cope with these conditions by assuming a protective role over Waleed, and by learning to be invisible, keeping his head down and ensuring nobody notices him to survive. It follows Josef Landau, a German Jew in the 1930s, who tries to escape Germany to Cuba, Isabel Fernandez, a Cuban girl in 1994, who tries to escape Cuba's hunger crisis following the dissolution of the Soviet Union to the US, and Mahmoud Bishara, a Syrian youth in 2015 whose house gets destroyed by a missile and whose family decides to seek asylum in Germany. Isabel clung to the wooden bench she sat on, squeezed in between Ivn and her grandfather. One terribly heartbreaking story is the unjustified killing of an 18-year-old Palestinian, Mahmoud al-Saad Jenin. Abbas was quoted in the three dailies stating: "I have decided to take national, legal and financial measures to protect our national project.". Im Josef, he told the other girls when theyd all gathered themselves together. Youssef is characterized as a caring father and husband, trying to shepherd his family to safety in Germany. Fatima continues to go from tent to tent, asking about, Mahmoud: Serbia to Hungary 2015, 15 to 16 days from home, cries over all of the events of the past two weeks, he apologizes for giving, Mahmoud: Hungary to Germany 2015, 17 days from home, food, water, and other supplies. Ahead of her, Seora Castillo staggered and lost her grip too, and the front of the boat slammed into the sand. They used it on the door handles of cabins up and down the passageway on A-deck, then hid around the corner and waited. Refugee is a book that addresses a real-life issuethe tough lives of refugees from many times and places of the worldin an action-packed adventure that (I hope) young readers wont be able to put down. Staring back up at them was the huge face of Fidel Castro! No station agents stopped to ask if they needed help finding their train. Grabbed for him. At the end of the book, Isabel is able to reconnect with her heritage when her great uncle Guillermo gives her a new trumpet, and Isabel is able to count clave. Ivn thought he was being sneaky, but Isabel knew exactly what he and his father were building in their shed, and it wasnt a doghouse. It was the one with the red bandanna. Not nearly as many as there had been in Havana, but enough. No police cars or emergency crews hurried to the scene. All right, then. Car horns beeped. There were butterflies in his stomach as he got up in front of such a large audience, and his voice broke as he stumbled through the Hebrew words, but he did it. Mahmoud sat in the middle row of desks in his classroom, where the teacher wouldnt call on him. Please, Isabel said. He smelled so ripelike the alley behind a butcher shop that Josef had to turn his head away. Waleed didnt seem to get excited about much these days. Your hijab, Dad said. From there, they could choose to return to Cubaand Castroor languish in a refugee camp while the United States decided what to do with them. Back when they were Germans. Mahmoud could hear music beyond the fence. The bed broke into pieces. Ill be a man soon enough, Josef told them. It was easier to stay invisible that way. And there were so many boats. Give us the whole sum of money! Mahmoud's Story - The Scholarly Teacher A sign that they would eventually get to America. Mahmoud and his family were waiting in line at Kilis, Turkey, at the border to enter the country. In the seat beside him, Waleed sat up straight next to his open window, unmoving and unfazed. Your mother is pregnant, for one thing! Lito said. No ambulances came to help the wounded. Evelyne and Renata were the genuine names of two sisters who came on the St. Louis, and they were the only ones permitted to disembark in Cuba since their father already resided there and had significant relations to the local authorities. The way the content is organized, One of the three protagonists of the book, alongside. Back to their deaths. Hikaru UtadaKINGDOM HEARTS - III, II.8, Unchained & Union (. They collapsed behind one of the lifeboats, panting and giggling. Lito was her mothers father, and he and Papi had never gotten along. More of them wore the brown shirts and red swastika armbands of the Sturmabteilung, Adolf Hitlers storm troopers. Josefs mother and father were there too, lying on the floor at the feet of the Brownshirts. There! on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. More importantly, we have our lives. I needed something big and thick for the bottom of the boat, he said. How are Josef Isabel and Mahmoud similar? At a command from their leader, they pushed forward into the crowd, arresting rioters and hitting them with wooden batons. Refugee Chapters 1-13 Flashcards | Quizlet
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