Effuel EcoOBD2 Reviews - Does Effuel ChipWork? - The Katy News It reduces fuel consumption by up to 35%, and for older model cars, it can save up to 50%. And just as the advertisement accompanying this thread goes, pouring a pint of Coca-Cola into your tank will give you 400 miles to the gallon! It is probably placebo effect. Effuel ECO OBD2 is a small-sized performance enhancer chip that is added to the car at the ECU. All I know is Birds arent real. I remember that! How come people never run out of gas ? For the first month our mileage increased from 24 MPG to around 31 MPG. From your hypocritical far left leaning fake news media and progressive tree hugging pawns of the democrat party. Dude, you need to log off Facebook and your Truth Social app for a minute. OBD is short for On-Board Diagnostics, and it's an industry standard for the interface to diagnostic equipment used by mechanics to repair and maintain the emissions control system. They seriously dont think out how, if their harebrained theory actually played out, it doesnt make any senseat all. I'm sure the same phenomenon is what's responsible for the actual fuel-economy increases reported by the thousands of people who are wasting money on bogus gadgets. Update: 8/24/2022 Im getting a lot of traffic to this blog post from people searching for EcoVeco. Advertisementif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Just like the Ecobox fuel saver, EcoVeco is also a scam OBD 2 device. I dont care what fancy words you are using Mike, but the truth is 90% of the covid deaths are those not vaccinated. Dont believe me? Call it what it is . Was that Trumps fault? Just sit back, relax, and notice your fuel consumption reduce 15 to 35 percent, depending on the car you. **** **** ***** ********** ***** *** **** *** ****** *****. It was recommended by a friend and it has worked really well and has shown positive results. This device also has the benefit of being eco-friendly as it reduces the concentration of harmful fumes released into the environment. What a joke. are GENUINELY, wholeheartedly interested in saving the people,the country, the world, oh what the hell, the UNIVERSE from falling into the bottomless pit of misinformation and destroying this perfect life we all enjoy(thank you social media), I am expecting AT ANY MOMENT the removal of ads for EcoBox, just like they removed President Trump, thus saving us from a tragic end to humanity! All the unique features of this fuel saver are listed in this Ecoplus Review3. Thinking that Spike Protein isnt harmful is whats stupid. Click Here To Buy EcoPlus Fuel Saver at the Lowest Available Price From the Official Website. And now we are all at the bottom of the totem pole, if not dead. Got the same results both times. The ECO OBD2 chip is a small, compact, and lightweight device that you can plug into your OBD2 port. Thats why REAL science uses double blind studies where no one involved knows whether they are dealing with the test or control group. Its easy to reverse these changes and then just remove them from your port. Sorry, the world's not that simple. EcoPlus fuel saver saves you a lot of money by helping your car use a lesser amount of fuel. FUEL BOSS MAGNETIC FUEL SAVER $23.99 (www.jcwhitney.com)The Claim: "When gasoline remains in your tank over time, the fuel molecules start to cluster.The molecules on the inside of these . I did the mileage with and without. Much more appropriately ask those that voted for the puppet that brought you the fuel prices that spark these scams. Seeing that their population is about to double with the new laws of have as many children as you want. []. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. The best way to save fuel is - walk, or ride a bike (NOT A Harley). With all the conspiracy theories floating around like turds in a toilet, people must think car companies are holding back 35% fuel savings because.? They have to divide us before they can conqueror us. lol. Again at the time the largest oil producer in the US with the 1,2 and 4th largest refineries in the US. Three units of the EcoPlus are sold for $82.95 at$27.65 eachfrom the original price of$276.50. If youre new to fuel-saving devices, these types of plug-and-play electronics have been sold to gullible car owners for years. You can easily transfer it between cars as the EcoPlus device is a universal fit product and requires no setup. Let me get this straight, in your analogy, Biden is the hot dog maker? pic.twitter.com/NmSqZsrfFV. The rich and powerful have all the cards and you are rolling loaded dice that always come up snake eyes. It will not improve your cars engine performance or quality.25 Oct 2021, Despite the convincing video with proof and website testimonials praising the Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver, I can confidently say that this Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver is just like all the others and is likely a scam.Oct 7, 2021, https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2021/10/25/eco-obd2-reviews-is-it-worth-for-you-or-scam/, https://www.techtimes.com/articles/271681/20220210/ecochip-reviews-eco-chip-scam-or-legit-read-this-now-before-buying.htm, https://tiremeetsroad.com/2021/09/07/does-the-ecobox-fuel-saver-work/, https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/04/23/2215687/0/en/Effuel-Reviews-Does-It-Work-What-They-Won-t-Tell-You.html, https://www.juneauempire.com/marketplace/effuel-reviews-is-eco-obd2-chip-legit-or-fake-scam-device/, https://www.homernews.com/national-marketplace/ecotune-reviews-legit-device-that-works-or-cheap-scam-unit/, https://tiremeetsroad.com/2021/10/07/does-the-ecotune-obd2-fuel-saver-actually-work/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_saving_device. You mean BoB.Billionaired Orange Baby))). Over 3 million people die in this country every year and now 200 million plus of them have been vaccinated. The company guarantees savings within 30 days or your money back.22 Apr 2021. EcoPlus Review: Does EcoPlus Fuel Saver Really Work? It makes fuel consumption more efficient, allowing for better savings by reducing gas consumption. Told me the guarantee was for 30 days. Sorry, it won't work on diesels, which have no throttle blades and consequently have no manifold vacuum. Golly Gee! No, the Ecotune OBD2 plug-and-play fuel saver does not work, is programmed to play a convincing sequence of LED lights, and is a waste of your time and money.Oct 7, 2021 Does Eco Chip really save fuel? Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. My Lord those folks are stupid. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tiremeetsroad_com-box-4','ezslot_2',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tiremeetsroad_com-box-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-109{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I specifically remember it as it was the same day my engine blew up. For one, the DiscountFuelReport.com domain name was literally created seven days ago. Overall, Effuel works similarly to other OBDII performance chips sold online today. most will let you return if you dont scratch it up. This is a fact. Simply plug the device in your vehicle's OBD2 socket and let the device do the rest! I live in Bowling Green KY and have to make a appointment today will be going to Morgantown KY and back to Bowling Green KY so should be able to tell more on gas mileage but also about how it is still running. And fuel consumption is something an economic-conscious car owner looks out for in a new vehicle. Ed V. I want to return the eco OBD2 device, that I purchased, for a full refund. Not to mention the fact that locking up the brakes would have zero effect on the transmission. EcoPlus does not affect your cars ICU or wiring. Locate the OBD2 connector (sometimes situated on the drivers side by the steering or the passenger side, its position differs from car to car). Another winter driver tipalways keep a gallon or two of antifreeze in your trunk to keep your engine block from freezing. It doesnt even make sense the it could work on all cars always. You have entered an incorrect email address! Similarly, SabiReviews goes in-depth on why the EcoChip doesn't work. The Nitro OBD Performance Chip Tuning Box is a highly affordable option for vehicle owners looking for a device that encompasses performance, affordability, and endurance. So at least a million vaccinated people will die in 2022. Save your money, buy the gas you saved by not buying this device. As far as we can tell, Effuel mostly improves fuel efficiency. But take responsibility for our actions and lets get through this so life is still with working for when our grandkids grow up.I dont know about you, and if you disagree i really dont care so dont waste your points on me. EcoPlus Fuel Saver Reviews: Does Eco Fuel Saver Really Work! Read The Ecobox OBD2 fuel saver device is a scam, does not work the way it's advertised, is a complete waste of money, and should be avoided at all costs. If overnight, Toyota could say their cars now get 35% with a cheap chip, theyd sell out in days.If its too good to be true thenwell you know. Do you really think this war in Ukraine would be taking place if T**** was still in office??? The EcoPlus saves you extra money by lowering your fuel consumption and reducing your gas bills. Wheee. Here, I have a schematic that I draw from this unit. The device will recognize your driving habits and vehicle and adjust itself accordingly to match your car perfectly. and just because you cannot mix oil and water does not mean someone else doe not have the additive to do so.. what would make you think that the specific unit you were sent is the exact same unit being sent out to other people? Your President cut Oil production to raise prices of oil to push the herd toward expensive electric cars, plain and simple. At the end of the summer plenty of gas at the low price of 44 cents a gallon not the 77 cents a gallon during the summer or the pre summer price of 36 cents a gallon. You can see on their website information (linked here) they popped up two months ago. We had covid both years but the vaccine only in 2021. I have always held the belief that this was some kind of plot between the car companies and the oil companies to keep cars as gas guzzlers instead of gas sippers. Is it literally Ecobox or is it under another generic name? It simply observes your driving and optimizes fuel consumption according to your driving style. Biden controls neither cause and the clown suit is worn by you. Me thinks there is more than meets the eyes. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',112,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-112{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Now in Texas the largest oil producing state with the number 1,2 and 4th largest refineries in the US at the time had gas lines or no gas. Dave exposes the ECO (Nitro) OBD2 Fuel Saver as a complete SCAM! Ecoplus reduces fuel consumption to about 55% depending on how you drive and it also increases the performance of your car. ECO OBD2 is a slight performance chip . For whatever you purchase this for but, its a scam. Is the eco OBD2 really work? - AnswerParadise.net Here are a few EcoChip reviews to help you decide if this device is best for you. Its a shame that so many people are unable to do actual critical thinking for themselves. The recent spike and continuing spike in gas prices is due to that buffoon B***n. The recent spike in fuel prices is caused by better contol of Covid-19 in highly industrialized nations and the reluctance of OPEC to pump more crude. Fuel-saving gadget is being promoted everywhere you look. Good thing or In theory, the EcoChip device is supposed to work by attaching to the OBD2 connector of your car. The General Assemblys Joint Republican Caucus Thursday shared details about their priority crime package, emphasizing what they said is a continuing rise in juvenile crime. I got scammed for the OBD fuel savers. Had Trump still been in, you wouldnt be seeing these prices as we were energy dependent in our own country. You save 75% on the purchase. All this time I thought it was On-Board Diagnostics 2! So he has no problem killing all Americans off for more power. Deleted2. Tire Meets Road is a car blog focusing on car news and useful information you won't find anywhere else. Not a chance. If it actually worked, the oil companies would have made the creator disappear long before the product ever hit the market. Totally loved how you explain that makes 100% sense cant believe so many people are scared sheep we just have to keep putting the truth out there and hopefully those v***d will leave us un****d folks alone! Click the photo to find out the truth! PeopleSnake Oil has existed since the last glaciation. The prices are up WORLDWIDE. The EcoPlus fuel saver enhances the ECU system of your vehicle. As referenced, Eco Fuel Saver is a little chip that can interface straightforwardly to your vehicle through the OBD2 port. The time-honored, albeit hackneyed, advice to avoid jack-rabbit starts is mostly true. Also known as an EcoOBD2 plug, Effuel and similar devices claim to potentially save you hundreds of dollars per year on gas. What happens when you have 2 vision plans? Get yours now and start saving big on your fuel usage. The fuel saver device is designed to work with the OBD2 Connector of your vehicle, and it remaps the engine according to driving style and reduces the overall fuel consumption of your car. Now theres a trustworthy source, not! They are supposed to talk to the car's ECU via the CAN bus on the OBD2 connector, but does it even do that? I plugged the fuel saving device up my bum. You r the smartest person ive heard say anything in ages its great to know someone else hasnt been hypnotized! Effuel will not damage your vehicles engine, nor will it affect your cars ECU in any significant way. Effuel ECO OBD2 device is a plug and drive economy chip tuning box that helps reduce your cars fuel consumption to up over 30% without changing your driving style, allowing you to save money at . Final Verdict of Effuel Reviews. Reality sucks, and the less educated you are, the less choices you actually have. This device comes in the form of a chip and can be plugged into most modern cars powered by fuel. A THROTTLE BODY EXTENSION,MAKING YOUR THROTTLE BODY HOLD MORE AIR AND FORCING THAT AIR INTO THE THROTTLE BODY. Benzene is slang for gas. Just to see if it makes a difference, It is a perfect example of complete and tota gullibility to try something like this just to see if it makes a difference. Effuel Reviews 2021 - Effuel ECO OBD2 Customer Complaints or Fuel Saver The Kiwi is somewhat more consumer-oriented than the ScanGauge. Some of them are based on a mistaken application of a technology that does work under other circumstances, such as water injectors. now i am going to park the truck and buy 1000 of these on alibaba and get rich.finally. Good luck. You can forget about it once you plug it into OBD2 and simply enjoy the benefits. EcoPlus is a chip tuning box that can be connected to the OBD2 connector of your car to minimize fuel consumption. Using statements such as probably a scam.. makes this article an open editorial. Fuel Fix PRO Reviews - Does Fuel Fix PRO Really Work? The governor has made service one of his top priorities this term, signing an executive order creating the Maryland Department of Civic and Service Innovation on his first full day in office. I get how everybody saying the device doesnt communicate with the vehicle and if thats true how does it change the displays? You get a discount on the website when you buy one or multiple units of the EcoPlus units you purchase, the more you save on each one. This deal costs only $59.97 along with free delivery and a guarantee of results. So far it has worked great. C***d is real or was I should say cuz all of a sudden its gone just as fast as it came. But before I tell you about it let me describe what my 03 Dodge Ram 1500 reg cab with 8 ft bed and a 4.7 l had been doing. You might need a small adapter or tee to splice into an existing vacuum line underhood. It is time for our economy and our government to serve the common men and women who make it all possible with our hard work and taxes. Please test this device and provide your non biased results as to provide credibility to your post. Very useful for anyone looking to reduce fuel consumption and save some cash as well, I highly recommend, Cars with lots of horsepower are my favorite but it is not really economical to drive one around, say to work. This is old tech. Sites like eBay are rife with people shilling gadgets and potions, asking you to spend as little as 10 bucks or as much as thousands. You and others like you will find out who the real donald trump is if he gets re-elected. actually , you dont need any fuel to power a car engine at all. Hey presto! While there are no cheap and easy fixes like these devices promise there are free tips and helpful practices that you can use right now. It enhances your vehicles ECU performance, Ecoplus is lightweight and compact which means the device occupies little space, Ecoplus helps boost the horsepower of your vehicle, Ecoplus is proven strong and compatible with any car operating with OBD2, Ecoplus comes with amazing discounts of up to 50% on sales per unit, There is a 30-day money-back guarantee and no hidden fees. A fuel saver can be very effective for your car and the EcoPlus is the best in terms of how efficient it is when compared to others in the market. Im certain only a small percentage of you Harvard educated brains know anything about ****** **. As mentioned on my blog post about the Ecobox fuel-saver, independent analysis from professionals and amateurs determined, after dissecting several of these OBD2 fuel savers, that theres no actual connection and communication between the device and your cars ECU. It claims that the functionality of the chip is based on OBD2 protocols and aids in reprogramming the computer's CPU in the vehicle. 2. The downfall of this country will be from a very thick layer of Duuhhhh starting at your address. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The EcoPlus fuel saver does not require any maintenance or servicing once installed and it works efficiently to reduce fuel consumption. Take a momentary break guys please?I have something for all of you to consider that for some unknown reason were not hearing in the prominent headline news but once considered is simple to judge true.Though i believe global warming is simply a cycle our planet goes through occasionally. The EcoPlus fuel saver is pre-programmed, hence, very easy to use. But usually have been dim but noticed they were alot better. Every vehicle made in the last 30 years has an OBD-II port. Usually, these folks have heard about some miraculous gadget that claims to improve fuel economy. Is it worth buying and installing an ECO OBD2 fuel saving device Currently, electric vehicles like Tesla can be expensive for the everyday consumer, so a new device known as the EcoChip might be a cheaper solution. Just drive to keep everything in the green, and you'll save gas. Anti Vaxxers love citing VAERS, but leave out the part where anyone can leave a report and they are not vetted. There is one thing that never seems to be mentioned or offered:-You bought this item to tell us if it works and save us money WHO REFUNDS YOU AFTER ALL YOU ARE OUT OF POCKET TO HELP others so allow me to give back some of your lost cash.Lance. Sharing their work or suggesting similar fake products to review/write/vlog about would also probably be appreciated. We are 62 going on 63 years later and car companies cant even match that without the car being a hybrid.
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