Made this tonight and it turned out great. So, I am trying to put these in a Tupperware container to take to a potluck, but I keep breaking off a piece to eat! Preheated the grill for at least 15 minutes. 1/2 pound of hot roast beef, provolone, mayo, toasted on New Orleans French bread. Second batch was *perfect*. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I was looking for something to make for tonight for the bf and myself. If only I actually had a beach house. Just an fyi from Canada. Im following the recipe but I get into a bit of trouble when I roll them out. Hey Deb! Thanks for a keeper! I dont have parchment. I find the minced rosemary inside the cracker is sufficient to perfume the cracker without overwhelming it. The first ball was a little and not to crispy, so it was probably a couple of minutes underbaked. Hmmmm. Holy yum. I love these! For the next batch will use for pizza, thanks so much for sharing. Have a batch in the oven right now and cant wait to make more! Does it have to be parchment paper? It went as beautifully with a winter meal as I imagine it did with your summer meal. 2. THANK YOU!! Im going to go buy this magazine the moment I get off work flatbreads with dinner tonight! Grilled, 100% antibiotic-free chicken breast, sliced avocado, lemon crema, chipotle aioli, jalapeno pepper jack, pickled red onions on a traditional Mexican-style roll. ~Shes not that bright. Im getting ideas here! Thank you for sharing this one, I have tried a few others but this is the best! Itll definitely become a staple in my house! These were very easy to make and totally recommended! And while the first batch had terrific flavor, it was not at all crispy and I had left it in for at least 20 minutes. I want you to know that Bee @ deux dilettantes really did serve this to me and it was wonderful. This is a delightfully simple recipe and is delicious with other seasoning combinations as well (a bit of roasted garlic, a tablespoon of pesto, etc.) Thanks for sharing! I have tested various recipes in my quest for a tender, moist and fluffy flat/pita/naan bread. Thanks for posting this. Are you ever bowled over by how many people continue to find your recipes years after you posted them? So allow me to reword this. Reuben The Great (Manager's Special) A half sandwich served with your choice of a cup of soup, fresh fruit or Mac & Cheese. I found that the flatbread with scallions instead of rosemary worked as a great substitute, less oily and much easier to make. Yikes. I love homemade crackers! I figured out after to roll the dough ON the stone. never fail! I made this tonight it was heavenly! I miss getting Gourmet :( Thank you for sharing a great recipe! These are quicker, cheaper, and taste so much better. And unlike most college kids, ramen and Easy Mac arent on the shopping list. They go extremely well with goat cheese (both plain and flavored), and I cannot tell you how many people asked for the recipe. I think I will definitely try it out. I added about a tablespoon of extra oil (used EVOO) and skipped the rosemary but topped with a middle eastern blend of spices called Zatar. I was impressed with how easy it was to make these and that they came out so delicious! Truly, its a small complaint because it is disappearing rapidlygotta run to get my share :). I used 100% freshly milled wheat, a mixture of both soft white and hard red. A girl can dream, cant she. Ill be checking here daily! maybe cutting into smaller pieces, for more browning? scrumdiddles!!! They baked really fast, even faster than 8 minutes when really thin. I love this! Great for lunch or as a starter. This is totally going into my favorite recipes file! Also gf stuff doesnt brown so not nearly as pretty as Debs. I am such a rosemary junkie, I think I have to try it it seems so completely approachable. An empty bowl! Tried this recipe tonight. I made the flatbread yesterday to go with some roasted eggplants with buttermilk sauce and pomegranate seeds. Something this gourmet, (I mean it was out of Gourmet Magazine!) So easy that i did a second batch without the herbs for the kids and for tomorrows kids pizza. Mine came out more like biscuits :-( Any tips? Heres a suggestion to help save a home phone that has a speaker on it and then you can do other meaninful tasks while the speaker plays those old tunes.. when the customer service/tech rep (Im guessing here) answers, you can pick up your phone to have the conversation. I love rosemary in bread products!! Im going to have to try your homemade goldfish next and also see if I can make my own fish-shaped cookie cutter in my jewelry and metalsmithing class this semester. Thank you for sharing. I made it with dried oregano (half a tablespoon) and it was a perfect way to eat lemon cumin hummus (can you call it hummus if you have neither tahini nor garlic?). The second round is baking now with cinnamon sugar on top :) Thank you again, LOVE your site. Aug 31, 2018 - We're not saying they're right. Along with the rosemary, I also added some black pepper. Made it with part whole-wheat flour still yummy! The next two balls I rolled out very thin and they turned out great. I was serving ratatouille tonight, and didnt have time to make fresh bread these were the perfect solution, as they were done in 20 minutes, and everyone loved them. Solves the age-old question, What do we smear our goat cheese on? Is that not the age-old question? This takes me back to my childhood, whenever my mother would bake a pie with a savory crust. Jason's Deli - Coliseum Crossing Delivery Menu | Order Online | 72 I made this and didnt love it, sorry :-(. Yum!!!!!! Avocado Toast. since I doubt that my batch is gonna last any longer!!! As Jane M commented above, I made the flat bread last night after checking in to read the blog and it was simple, quick and DEElicious! Going to top them with pizza toppings (fresh garden basil and toms) if I have enough left! I plan to stop by the market to get an assortment of cheeses. Its delicious. However, it didnt turn out as crispy in the center of the cracker as it did on the edges, so I obviously didnt roll it out thin enough??? Ive made this a couple of times with great success. This recipe makes even better flatbread! these couldnt be easier and are delicious. Check out Joe Pastry; he did an entire drool-worthy series about knishes. Those among us that have actually tried the recipes share their experiences. I had some mashed roasted garlic in the fridge and mixed about a tablespoon of that into the dough. How about silpats? These were absolutely perfect for dinner the other night, with Ottolenghis beetroot and zaatar dip (from Jerusalem have you tried it yet? thank you. Nevertheless I am so grateful for this recipe, & THANKS A LOT for sharing!!! Woke up this morning wondering why I stupidly didnt save myself even a small piece and just got finished making a batch all for myself. Cant wait to make for my family at Easter. So, smitten kitchen to the rescue. just a few pieces left. They are a big hit for a wine-time snack! Some of my less-than-sane friends organize a food challenge dinner where they pick one ingredient and assign courses to each couple (and me, solo sigh) and you have to incorporate said ingredient, with some very fascinating combos you try putting pork in a dessert. So glad I found this, probably the easiest flat bread recipe out there. This would make a great addition to a summer BBQ. I love the richness of the color and thickness of the glass. When it comes to making bread at home, I absolutely love flatbread. I know theres one in Austin so there should be one in Houston. Shes eating it now! Served with a cup of au jus. Im already regretting not making a double batch. I have a hard time putting more than one on the pizza stone at a time so have found that if you merely leave them on the parchment paper and heave the combo on the oven rack they bake just fine allowing me to make more faster! But man, that guy knows his stuff. Would you also call this Lavash? Thank YOU for the meal!! $11.81 +. Here is my variation on this recipe: After making the dough (to which I add 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper), I divide it into 12 pieces. It turned out fabulous. That issue of Gourmet was one of the best EVERand I, too, have made most everything in the section on herbs, including this flatbread! Always love your words (and unflagging sense of gentle humour) about food, life, and the universe! The first two were a little thick and the last two were a little thin, but that just means next time I make them they should be perfect, right? Next time I should put only 1/4tsp of salt. Its funny, because I was just wondering this weekend if there are any recipes out there for crackers. Had friends call and say they were in the neighborhood, so they stopped by for a quick hello in our backyard (6 feet apart with masks and gloves lol!). It was reminiscent of pie dough for me. I let the whole thingbake a few more minutes. I made this for the moms in my playgroup and it went over very well, especially with the vegan mom. Im quite intimidated by baking bread, but you make it look so flawless and easy!! I found the dough to be pretty dry and crumbly after the initial liquid/dry ingredient mix (like, I had a hard time getting all the flour mixed into the water/oil). That was, um, a very good idea. Very good, but I overbaked the edges. In the mean time, I cant wait to try out this recipe! This is definitely an excellent, simple recipe to have around. Husband and I have renamed it from flatbread to crackbread. Had to half it because I didnt have enough flour, but it came out great. 1. Im a huge flatbread fan, I have some red-lentil dal in the fridge that would be great with some flatbread! The drive-thru and take-out operation makes it easy to pick up . Any thoughts on putting toppings on this and making it pizza like? I am confused. He is currently one of my daily reads. Couldnt be easier and what wonderful flavor!! I made them. Thanks for making this look so easy I will certainly have to make my own next time. Lightly brush tops with additional oil and scatter small clusters of rosemary leaves on top (if using), pressing in slightly. Used as a pizza shell (rolled the edges before baking, then melted some stuff on top after crispifying in the oven). Will make a great gift along with some sharp extra-old cheddar cheese and a jar of homemade antipasto. Its delicious. Great recipe, thanks! We still occasionally have them for dinner (we were on a real kick in those days) and wonder what surprises the next day will bring. Thank you for checking. The technique is fascinating. sturdy round crackers , i.e. Maybe I should have increased the temperature?) Id love to share here my tiny mistake which turned out great!!! So good and so easy. I woke up this morning and realized that I did not think of a quick bite for our pre-dinner cocktails. Your email address will not be published. Ive made a couple of varieties too. :) Thank you! I tried it as-is yesterday and it came out smashing. with cracked black pepper. I only rolled it into one bigger round. Just oiled cold tray is fine. $13.79+. Ive been reading a lot of recipes (not a hardship) and will be trying a lot of new things (shakshuka is scheduled for the week after next). Jason's Deli - Montgomery Delivery Menu | Order Online | 1520 Eastern Thank you! After brushing each flatbread lightly with olive oil, I slide the parchment off the peel on to the preheated baking sheet in the oven. I made this last night- it was supposed to be a snack, but like Rachel, ended up being dinner! I used nearly 3/4 tsp table salt and sprinkled Gruyere on top of one; I think I may do all of them with cheese next time! Super easy to throw together and the dough comes together really quick. I am thinking next time that I might add just a dash of sugar for an extra pop! Its been ridiculously hot in Boston all week, so naturally I cranked up the oven in my not-air-conditioned oven and made them. ;-), This looks amazing! But to start, lets talk about this recipe, something I think everyone in the entire world should have in their repertoire: Flatbread. Had it with Italian Wedding Meatball soup and my children and husband loved it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I made a double batch and cooked them directly on a stone. That sounds fabulous! Might try a mix of white and wheat flour next time. Served with blue corn chips and salsa. Took the whole 10 minutes for me in my little tiny oven. Maybe adding cinnamon & sugar, instead of salt + rosemary, will make for a good sweet alternative of this incredible recipe!!! Im just getting back to this since our last conversation; I thought if I went on and on about it, youd either get fed up with me and ignor my yammering or make them in defense! Though I may do different herbs, since I have a sneaking suspicion that I dont have any rosemary. $15.08+. Have searched the internet and cant find it. For on-the-go families, Jason's Deli created an even quicker option in the form of Jason's Express. ), and I have a question: In your fourth photo, is the dough depicted there post stir or post knead? I usually serve with some kind of spreadable dip, the latest of which is Spicy Ceci Bean Puree from Epicurious. Grilled, 100% antibiotic-free chicken breast, sliced avocado, lemon crema, chipotle aioli, jalapeno pepper jack, pickled red onions on a traditional Mexican-style roll. Fantastic recipe. Thanks! Thank you. My go to rosemary flatbread recipe is from a pre-Internet issue of Fine Cooking and its very VERY thin and requires chilling before rolling out. I sometimes make my own by oiling a brown paper bag with olive oil. Thanks! YUM!! Okay, Im making fish chowder tonight (its currently 7pm and its not yet started) and thought Rosemary flatbread! I didnt have rosemary, so I used some dry tuscan herbs, added some thyme and infused a touch of garlic into oil. It was great for an appetizer and inspired me to make up some new toppings. Oh my god! You should make the grilled yogurt flatbreads in Smitten Kitchen Every Day. Nice and light and simply wonderful. (Im having flatbread pizzas, with yard fresh toms and basil to impress the hubby boy). If youre itching to make them, I think you should start with him. Also, made smaller and cooked in a cast iron skillet (too hot to use oven here, today!) We got back from a weekend away and the last thing I felt like doing was cooking, but after seeing your beautiful pictures and reading your blog, I just had to make this! I would enjoy hearing about successes and failures I find it would contribute to the collective Smitten Borg Mentality. Thats the first time Ive cooked bread and it turned out fine! Tonights menu was based on the need to use up a head of lovely fresh lettuce: I had a salad and Turkish spiced carrot fritters as well as the hummus and flatbread. I am having a small dinner party tonight and I have been to the grocery too many times already. it is perfect and sooooooo easy. I know lavash is thinner. This was exactly what I needed to know. each). I could control the crispiness when doing on the stovetop. Thats a beautiful looking flatbread! 26.9 km from tTok | iF. They are assuming you are rolling it out on parchment and then you put the parchment on the preheated pan. The first one was a little too think because I didnt realized how thin you had to roll it (still ate it, still delicious). I made this today. how do you think it would be on the grill. And what a gorgeous website best recipes I have come across in a long time. I am surprised by how easy it was and how well it turned out. Sounds delicious! Thank you so much in advance. Served with chips or baked chips (150/100 cal) and a pickle (5 cal). Amazing. I am thrilled to have just tried this exquisite recipe!!! Divine! I made this with thyme, baked it for about 8 minutes while I sauteed thinly sliced radishes and yellow squash in olive oil and salt.I also mixed some ricotta and with a dab of soy sauce and nutmeg in a bowl. #1 Best Value of 2,483 places to stay in Ustaritz. Made 3 batches. Super easy, super delicious although thanks to the twins I forgot to add salt to the first batch. Delighted! One modification that I really liked: I used a pizza cutter to make individual pieces right before I put it in the oven. My dad & I enjoyed it with smoked trout and assorted cheese tonight. These are great. how to prevent pilling between legs. Any idea if I can freeze them? Maybe I should use the rest on this! (ingredients vary yeast, milk, butter). Also, I cook mine on my baking stone and the dough often bubbles in places making them extra crumbly and messy when you crack them. This is fantastic!!! I have to post that I love this recipe. (Like I said, it was a long hold time.). Added cilantro, crushed pistachios andslivered sundried tomatoes in oil to flatbread base recipe . So quick and easy, but so delicious and flaky. Making good use of the rosemary tree I received for Christmas. I recommend making Paula Wolferts hummus recipe to dip the flatbreads. I tried this a couple days ago. Ive made it lots of times just as it is written, but made it again today, subbing corn meal for about 1/3 of the flour to make a heartier, more corn-chip like cracker. They look divine and so very simple. She wants everyone to know she has it! Quicker than going to the shops to buy crackers for a party. True story with our first two births, this is what we had for dinner the night before, mere hours before labor began. 6. Its so flaky and crisp and made of pure awesomeness. I avoid using refined grains, so I substituted whole wheat pastry flour for the all-purpose flour. Just made this today, and it was amazing! Made these tonight and they were SO GOOD and SO EASY I immediately made another batch with truffle salt. Ill have to give it a try thanks! Thank you! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Super simple recipe like this one also. I cant wait to try more toppings, maybe flax/sesame seeds? Avocado Toast. I used white whole wheat flourit was *so* delicious! When I realized just how fast I would run out of fresh ingredients it had the potential to be pretty dispiriting, so I decided that rather than lament what I couldnt have, Id challenge myself to use up the contents of my fridge, freezer and pantry as creatively as possible so I could delay going shopping again as long as possible. Lastly, for easier blending, use slightly warm water, and mix it and the olive oil together before pouring it in. Really eye-opening and inspiring. This is a super recipe, the kind that you memorize, that becomes part of how you eat. You might want to check out the comment guidelines before chiming in. Thanks for commenting! Just an aside for all of you herb-growing-challenged readers, my 92-yr-old grandmother (who is NEVER wrong, I might add) has often said that only a bitch can grow rosemary! I dont know where this old wives tale comes from, but I believe it must be true since both my grandmother and I have absolutely gorgeous, flourishing rosemary bushes all over our gardens!! I do like the rosemary, but my hubby isnt a huge fan, so I might try oregano or some type of seeds next time. Unfortunately the cheese hasnt drained enough yet, but the flatbread turned out well. I only get it when we eat out and the restaurant has it. This looks much quicker. I am making this tonight to take to Sunday dinner. Both were quite good. I will definitely make it again, maybe with other spices like zaatar. I put each piece through my pasta machine on #6 and then lay the pieces out on parchment on a pizza peel. So just a little confused about the baking pan do you use two? I have been reading your blog for a few months and you have been very inspiring. Ooo, this reminds me of the homemade herb crackers I made awhile back. Ive been making this recipe since the magazine came out. I know, sounds like a lot of different flavors going on but it was delicious!!! This inspires me. *Sigh* Also, maybe my oven runs low, but these took a good 15 minutes to get golden in color. I love rosemary and I am addicted to Gourmet mag but have been away a lot and not cooking for various reasons. Good with soups and salads and also as a cracker for cheese and tomato or just butter and a glass of wine! Cant wait to see what you used yours to scoop up. This has become my oh-why-have-I-procrastinated-AGAIN recipe for potlucks. plus, it gives ya neat pieces!!! Made these over the weekend with dried dill weed! Love how EASY this flat bread is to whip up. Do you actually use the heavy baking pan you leave in the oven when preheating? Just made these with 40g of whole wheat flour subbed in, turned out great! Made a second batch with WW flour and had to add a little extra water and EVOO. Any thoughts on this? It only took me a week but I found what I was looking for for you! I should have increased the salt a bit too. I agree with previous commenters who liked them crispier. He suggests ways you can use schmaltz instead of oil in the dough (or, I bet, cut in butter). I also think it could be a great hostess gift, for all of you angling for invites to beach houses this Labor Day weekend. The hubby and I are having a friday night in tonight, so perhaps Ill raid my hearty fire-escape rosemary plant and attempt some flatbread. Half of them I sprinkled parm cheese and the other half I made exactly as written. I made them with dill and served with home made gravlox a big hit and they are still great the second day if kept in a zip lock bag they do not loose the crispyness! Rustic Bakery's flatbreads look like crackersflat, crispy, cracklybut the comparisons stop when it comes to flavor. I used this recipe today (minus rosemary) and made yummy ham & mozzarella hot pockets by splitting dough into 6 pieces. Note: You can watch an Instagram demo of this recipe here. I put all the bread in at once (2 on a baking sheet and 1 on a stone). Thanks all!! The dip that I served it with for the party (a yummy pea and goat cheese spread from Vegetarian Times) called for garlic olive oil, so the day before I made it all I crushed two cloves of garlic into a ramekin, poured olive oil over it, and put it in the refrigerator to develop flavor. It was great! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Ive been using this recipe for pizza for a couple years. Thanks for this recipe. I just made this to have on hand in lieu of dinner after we hit the cheese market on our block later today (flatbreads + French triple cream + honey + walnuts = cant even fathom how good it will be). Just found this site. Do you think you can cook all of the breads at once, instead of one at a time? Emily, wonderful idea to use this as a pizza shell!! crisp rosemary flatbread - smitten kitchen This flatbread sounds like just the bread to attempt on my maiden bread-making endevour! I did one batch with no brushed olive oil on top and they were indistinguishable from the ones with the brushed tops. Paired well with the rest of my dinner tonight and I loved them! Thank you. it will be perfect. Super good! Havent tasted the other two yet, but what an easy dinner! I think the altitude here in Mexico City might be a factor, but would that really affect a bread that doesnt rise? So I made these with fresh chives, a sprinkling of dried thyme, whole wheat flour, and a bit of extra sea salt, and served them with salmon ceviche, pickled tomatillos, and guacamole. Any ideas on dip or ac compliments to the bread? I have made this wonderful recipe several times over the past few years. The resulting flatbread was a bit floury, but very tasty. And yes, I did this on my pizza stone too. I just keep my eye on them and poke the bubbles with a knife so they deflate, but wondering if anyone knows a better way to prevent the bubbles from occurring at all? ( :/. Painfully easy with great results! I usually use a store-bought flatbread to make all kind of pizzas at home. I like it, and Im curious to try it with toppings. These are great Just finished making them now! I divided dough into 6 pieces instead of 3 so my dough become thinner and more crispy. Youre more than welcome to come up to my country house if you bring this along with that eggplant dealie and some cheese! Akin to homemade cheese-its but glorious. But in a word: dont! I just whipped these beautiful flatbreads out in about 15 minutes. Thank you for the great recipe! This has just qualified as a staple in my kitchen. It seemed a little bit on the oily side but the thinner ones did bubble up like the flatbreads I my family used to buy at St. Urbains and I consider that a good thing. I think theyd make a nice pizza base very flaky and almost pastry like. I rolled them a little thick so they were like tiny 1/8 inch thick biscuits and my oh my they are delectable! as for waiting on hold, i cant tell you what a difference a headset makes. I saw this recipe and just had to make the rosemary flatbread. Thanks! Make a well in center, then add water and oil and gradually stir into flour with a wooden spoon until a dough forms. Either the dough or the crackers themselves? My sis broadcasts live 5 nights a week! On the first flatbread, I found that I had not rolled it thin enough and it took about 15 minutes to bake. But shes cute! A heartier flour or more dry climate could affect it though. I cant wait for it to start at the end of October and for the season premiere I plan on making Football food. Cant wait! This is my first time making any type of flatbread, so Im pretty happy with the result (and somewhat impressed with myself). Let me be the first to repent. The result? Perfect thing to go with my sisters homemade minestrone! TASTY! I think Ill try them with thyme next time. Ill have to try this one. P.S. I set off the smoke alarm with it once (sensitive system, things werent browed yet), so now Im very careful. Yummmm just made these today on Australia Day I loved them on day one, and loved them even more on days two and three, when I popped them in the toaster to freshen them up. I just made these DELICIOUS! We were at culinary school over there and one of them is now a professional chef, but she recently called me saying she was craving that bread i used to make. I have old friends visiting tomorrow and I hope to whip up some yummy flatbreads before they arrive. I figured it out by looking at the recipe on Epicurious. It comes together in about 15 seconds flat, bakes in about 10 minutes and if you dont live in our apartment, will hopefully last a bit longer. I bet you could use King Arthurs White Whole Wheat flour in these entirely. Im just wondering if my measurements resulted in a higher dry to liquid ingredient ratio than yours (due to flour measuring, flour brand, etc). Thank you for such a great and easy recipe! I skimmed it mostly; I havent had time to go through and see if theres even anything I could add to the conversation, as he covered the topic so well. I used a baking stone and loved it. Always comes out great. I was blown away by how good this was relative to how easy the recipe was. Thanks for sharing Deb! I wonder if you could make this on a pizza stone? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Whipped these up in less than 10 minutes with fresh herbs from our garden and they were amazing as usual. I accidentally spread sugar over it instead of salt Cover with wax paper and roll very lightly and gently to thin just a tad. Made with herbs de provence and cut up into cracker shapes pre-baking. Quick, easy clean up and great flavor. Hi DebIm way late to the flatbread party, but I made two batches of this over the weekend (one with rosemary, and one with a sundried tomato/oregano/basil spice blendyum! Required fields are marked *. I love your site! Thank you for these tips they helped immensely! By the third flatbread they were PERFECT!! I made this for the first time today, and the flavor is delish!! My brothers and sister and I would all crowd into the kitchen and hang out, waiting for the freshly baked salt crackers shed make with the trimmings of the pie crust. It was really goood!! Thank you so much! Really hope itll turn out well! Jason's Deli 3 Seed & Sea Salt Flatbread Cracker - Pinterest Tried it with whole wheat flour this go round and its fine but a little too heavy for my taste. And for the next two that I rolled out properly thin (really thin), I found 12 minutes to be optimal. Let it rest 5 to 10 minutes and it should relax. Im one of those people. It was really easy to get them crispy in preheated cast iron! Super quick, easy, and delicious. Today was raining cats and dogs here in Puerto Rico,It was cold outside (Yes we think 70 degrees is cold) When I got home from work all I could think about was my frozen cream of tomato soup, The one I learned from you and I paired it up with this flatbread, I didnt make mine too thin I like em thick and they were perfect, Just the kind of comfort food I needed, Your blog never disappoints me, My next conquest is the challah wish me luck!