More lies. It was likely Kellerman who placed the magical "pristine" bullet on the corridor stretcher at Parkland which "proved " that Oswald's rifle was used in the assassination. has anyone noticed the real footage contained in this movie? Jenkins, found at this link: show the front of JFKs head being blasted open by a shot: Researchers like Stewart A publisher from Germany even called me long distance for 45 minutes to pursuade me to have Fred submit the manuscript to him; at least it would have a printing in German. To view it, confirm your age. There were no rifle shots from the School Book Depository]. I accepted that assertion for many years until I read Fred Neucomb's book, Murder From Within, which makes it absolutely clear that Greer had also shot Connally in the back (Connally was turned around 180 degrees and gawking at JFK following the first throat shot) to get him out the line of fire to finish off Kennedy. In the above video, the same Emory P. Roberts is seen standing up from the front passenger seat of the Secret Service agent's car and gives the order to SA John D. Ready (running along the right rear of JFK's limo) and SA Clinton Hill (running along the left rear of JFK's limo) to stand down and stop running alongside of the President's limo and to return to the Secret Service car following Kennedy's limo. Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". [Added Oct. 23, 2010. "The doctor said one bullet passed from back to front on the right side of the President's head. Here's the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. On January 29, 1992, I succeeded in getting a letter to the editor published in the San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune with the headline "Zapruder Film Shows the Ugly truth about Dallas".
The "Other" Zapruder Film - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum ", 5. Seven different Dallas doctors all reported that the right rear of Kennedy's head was missing and yet Life magazine photographs taken from the Zapruder film show hair in the same place. I saw the actual self-published edition and it bristles with documentation. var sc_security="9421cee4"; Would you like to make this site your homepage? frames, published by the U.S. Government, to Nobel-prize-winning physicist "We?"
Secrets of the Zapruder Film (Link). He then withdrew the automatic to his left side, leaned forward a bit and sped off.
Watch FRAME 313: THE JFK ASSASSINATION THEORIES | Prime Video Statements made by seven different Parkland Hospital doctors including Dr. Robert N. McClelland, Dr. Paul Peters and Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw indicate that the original appearance of the wound to Kennedys head was a large gaping entry wound to his right temple (left as you face him) and a much larger exit wound in the right rear of his head. These are the witnesses whose statement to Mr. Newcomb and sometimes the Warren commission included the words "in the car.". Only one person filmed from start to finish the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which occurred in a matter of seconds at 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 22, 1963 on Elm Street in Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, TX. The Zapruder Film. And, since these code books have to pass through 17 hands before getting on board the bombers, it seems likely that this may be a conspiracy.
The JFK Assassination Was a Hoax: Frame 313 Exposed I've replaced it with a current Youtube video link that worksKen]. note - assassinations are always "allowed to happen."]. wound described by eyewitnesses and the doctors that treated JFK in, We can see the problem just That person was a 58-year old Dallas dress manufacturer, Abraham Zapruder, who died in 1970. Connallys clothing out of the hospital in a sack. This is actually an infamous and gory photograph. Cropped high-resolution digital Zapruder Film Frames 313-316 showing initial "backward lurch" of President Kennedy along with the distribution of ejected material in the wake of the projectile. Notice they are neither looking in the direction of the Book Depository nor in the direction of the grassy knoll but in the direction of the "mall".
Top CIA photoanalyst talks about the Zapruder film > JFK Facts These statements do not match the timelines and actions described by Fred Newcomb in Murder from Within (published in 2011), which is the most credible book in print on the JFK assassination, in my opinion. We can see the problem just When I sent a dub of "Dallas Revisted" to The Weekly World News via Certified Mail, I never got the little green postcard back. It is the ultimate version of the Zapruder film, or at least of Frame 313, and it is agonizing. It shows the little known fact that Walter Dornberger {Werner Von Braun was his superior}, former Nazi in charge of en-slaving and later killing Jews at the German V-2 rocket factory in Dora, was brought in to this country, narrowly escaping death at the Nuremburg Tribunals, and was then placed on the board of directors of Bell Helicopters. Paul combined my information with work by fellow reporter Bob Boyd who accessed some Dallas Police Dept. Bill Cooper | Depleted Uranium| Dowsing |Police & Tasers | British Israel | Born Again Brainwashing | Amy Goodman Gatekeeper|Rethinking Noam Chomsky Go to the bottom of this page to see the still frames that I captured from the Zapruder film which I enlarged and cropped and adjusted for maximumclarity and contrast, considering the quality of video that I had to work with. This was the book which first opened my eyes to the New World Order gang and their takeover agenda. the position of JFKs head compared to fixed parts of the limousine (like the Miller, who worked for the Louisiana Freight Bureau, and who was standing on the railway overpass overlooking Elm Street was asked by Senator Arlen Spector where the shots came from. It shows the moment when the bullet hit the President and exploded his head. The backwards movement of the Presidents head after Frame 313 then
Online store Lower Prices for Everyone LENOX 2022 Dr seuss GRINCH With This time the ad ran but only for 4 weeks. 4. Connally's clothing in a sack from Parkland Hospital. II, pp 138-139 of the Warren Commission Volumes: "I jumped from the car, realizing that something was wrong, and ran to the presidential limousine. . Fritz was interviewed by an investigator from Washington and his reply is now classified for 50 years. appear and snake up the side of the Presidents head, which he called the investigate the assassination. was killed by a shot coming from in front of him and to his right (from the grassy This vid cap of frame 313 of the Zapruder film sickens some people when they realize that this clearly shows Secret Service Agent William Greer, shooting JFK. When Zapruder sold the film to Life he asked that frame 313 not be shown because that's the one that gave him nightmares and he didn't want to be responsible for giving the world nightmares and Life went along with that for years. Dr. Robert Bitzer| T. Lobsang Rampa | Ruth Drown | ZS Livingstone | David Brandt| Global Warming | The CIA| Veterans Awaken | Eustace Mullins Could his A woman dressed in pink. His brother, Charles Cabell, was fired by JFK for his failure in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. He fired three shots at Kennedy of which the last one hit his head., Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. became the mystery. 1846.2005 Ken SA John D. Ready, right running board, front. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Writely Expressed Theme is copyrighted to Samyak Lalit. Evidence, he argued that this tells us that the Email: On page 215 of his book "Behold a Pale Horse," the late William Cooper says that "all of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to see William Greer shoot Kennedy" were themselves murdered within two years of the event. Everything was all scripted out for the blue ribbon Warren Commissionwhose finding was that Oswald acted alone. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Newcomb has in his book a photo of medical personnel wheeling a plain looking coffin out the back entrance of Parkland Hospital. I did my own photo blowup of that part of the photo and compared it to a known photo of Oswald taken after his arrest. that JFKs head moves forward: The movement was checked by The reaction was for the head to move up, and the body to move rearward and to the right. Your email address will not be published. files and the article was written. I remember that dark day as if it were yesterday. Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories: With Tom Kane, John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Walter Cronkite. researcher David Lifton discovered that the Zapruder film not just gives us
high quality zapruder film frame 313 - A different windshield was "prepared" for the Warren Commission to fit the rear shot script.
(PDF) The Zapruder Film - ResearchGate Now, how come we can see this chrome through Greers body? Kellerman and Greer were standing next to the autopsy surgeons in Bethesda telling them what happened. Another phone call I got as a result of my letter to the editor was from a woman in her 80's who lived in Cayucos who I met on a number of occasions for coffee. This particular item came from a interview by researcher John Judge at Wright-Patterson AFB. In The names of the Secret Service agents who were following JFK's limo are listed below in a statement made by the Secret Service Agent in Charge, Emory P. Roberts on Nov. 29. Consider the fact that he was leaning somewhat forward at the moment of the head shot. However, Lifton would 12:31:04 - Permindex (a CIA front group) President Ferenec Nagy sometimes called "umbrella man" gives his umbrella signal for the fatal shot sequence that follows immediately. When John Judge lectured at Cal Poly, we learned from him that former Nazi General Walter Dornberger was brought into this country under Project Paperclip after his superior Werner Von Braun said he "refused to make rockets for us until his buddy Dornberger was brought into this country." And it was Kellerman who placed the pristine bullet on the stretcher that matches the Manlicher Carcano rifle planted in the snipers nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depostitory. P rior to 1963, peacetime Presidents of the United States travelled freely through American cities.
. War on Terror |Tavistock | U.S. For Abraham Zapruder, who made the movie, Frame 313 became a recurring nightmare.The film would play out in his dreams until the horrific head shot that killed the president snapped him awake. Zapruder Film was a key evidence admitted by Warren Commission which was appointed for investigation into the assassination. No shots from the front or from inside the car. Clinton J. Hill, Jacqueline Kennedy's bodyguard, reports in Vol. Zapruder panorama only, with gridlines, compass bearings, and angles of depression Frames of the Zapruder film (2003, 2006) In 2003 I put together a reference set of all 486 frames of the extant Zapruder film. His work is an enlargement of a working paper furnished to him by two government agents - one with the Customs department and the other from the Narcotics Bureau. Galanor, who were lucky enough to see the film in the 1960s (at a private Frame 313 of the Zapruder Film, 1963 (Photo courtesy of: TIME: 100 Photos) A grassy field.
a thousand-word footnote in his 1980 book. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform., Jim Marrs: Another JFK Gatekeeper Shows His Colors (Updated, Sep. 26, 2010) Thoughout the years she noted white vans parked near her house.
JFK Assassination : The Zapruder Film - Frames 313, 314, 315 Austin P. Miller makes a statement found on page 82 of the Warren Report, NY Times edition that could have turned the whole Warren Commission report in a different direction if they had been looking for the truth. enabling me to verify that William Greer, the Secret Service Agent driving the presidential limousine on November 22, 1963, fired the fatal shot with a hand gun that killed President Kennedy, our 35th President that day. Secret Service agents William Greer and Roy Kellerman were questioned as suspects by the FBI even before Oswald was arrested. A red mist that engulfs them both. He took the black-and-white copies of the Zapruder film By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He thought that Feynman would conclude, from the laws of physics, that the shot must have come from the front. These people had used directory assistance to get my phone number. Draw your own conclusions. |Guiding Principles | Global Warming |Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold trajectory of the bullet out of Kennedy's head. By looping the head shot sequence, we are forced to see, along with heavy narration of Lars, the terrible moment when William Greer turns to the rear, not once but twice. This is Abraham Zapruder's full 8mm film of LONE GUNMAN Lee Harvey Oswald's assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. screening in the U.S. National Archives), believed that this proved that JFK His reply: "From right there in the car" Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. In a video taped lecture made somewhere in the late 1990's, I heard Bill Cooper say that he had closer-to-original Zapruder footage which clearly shows Greer shooting Kennedy. Costella Combined Edit Frames (updated 2006) Click on a frame number below to view the corresponding frame of the film, or click here to download all 486 frames in a single ZIP file (119 MB). They had obtained a good copy of the Zapruder film from the same source in Canada that Elvis Presley had obtained one from. In frame 313 of the Zapruder film (which captures the exact moment of the head shot) you can see a trail of brain matter following the