Chex can also be used to make a chocolate snack called "Chex Muddy Buddies", also known as Puppy Chow. Our goodness spans variety, deliciousness and, of course, kindness. Discontinued Cereals List - Kellogg's, Post, General Mills, Nabisco While you'd think that would mean companies would make whole grain cereals that were low in sugar, that's not exactly what happened. Multi-Bran Chex is the best tasting and also the best cereal nutritionally I have ever had. Smores Grahams Called the Robinson-Danforth Commission Company, the business sold food for horses, dogs, cats, pigs, and rabbits. The games use a modified version of DOOM's IWAD (graphics, sounds, levels, etc.) It's not. For those of us who grew up on breakfast cereal, the nostalgia runs deep for our old favorites, especially those well likely never taste again. Unfortunately, Aldi's Dakota's Pride Butter Beans were discontinued in recent years. On a Facebook post, many customers expressed their sadness at the discontinuation that was confirmed by a company rep. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Pac-Man Read on and see all cereals from General Mills I never ate thosewell, I remember giving Bran Chex a try (bleh) and Raisin Chex (not bad). } Rice Krispies Treats Cereal [34], In 1968, Chex ran a series of TV commercials on the adventures of The Chexmates, a cartoon threesome who ate Chex to get the strength they needed to travel to Mars, overcome tough obstacles or subdue evil-doers. Shredded Wheat is like Cheerios popular enough to be here forever. Why? Ice Cream Cones Chocolate, Vanilla C3POs For cereals without an exact end year, we listed the decade. navigator.sendBeacon('', payload); single A good alternative could be the Cocoa and Sea Salt flavor. Waffelos Ralston Purinas cereal, called Shredded Ralston, was the precursor of Chex. I can't find them in any stores anymore. From cult-classics to surprising delights, choose from nine flavors, including gluten-free options. I'm looking for the Wheat Chex jingle and words perhaps 1950s vintage. Smurf Magic Berries The oatmeal product came with a packet of flavored gel that encouraged kids to play with their food. Joe Action Stars Awwsome post. ), you're probably not likely to see a bright green Jello salad at potlucks or parties in this decade. Jets Wheat Chex Cereal | Mr. Wonderfulls Suprize No kidding. 1 Total Raisin Brand YouTube It's not always a walk in the park to find a well-rounded, healthy breakfast cereal that actually tastes delicious. The 5-Star review for Walmart was posted to criminal Overstock & Walmart refuses to remove the entry. If it weren't for the seven different types of sweeteners added to this cereal, sugar would be the first item found on the ingredient list. Second, because Wheat Chex seems imperiled. The next year Ralston tried to sell the duo to kiddies, sponsoring "Space Patrol," an early space-themed TV show. However, others claim that these oats were different, smaller, and perfect for making cookies. Gremlins 1952 ad -- Wheat Chex phasing out the old name. Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) Added to Preserve Freshness. Hidden Treasures [2] Rival cereal company Kellogg's has the rights to the Chex brand in South Korea and Singapore. Unfortunately, the majority of the 13 grams of protein in this cereal comes from soy protein isolate, which is most likely extracted from genetically modified, pesticide-laden soybeans. Fingos There you'll see that the cereal pieces aren't even made of whole grains, but a medley of flours (most of which, are in lesser quantities to the sugar that's added). But we can't fret over the candidacy of Donald Trump every single day, can we? xhr.send(payload); 15. 23 Discontinued Cereals We Miss the Most Eat This Not That Blueberry Waffelos Discontinued Aldi Items That We Miss The Most - Mud & Bugs Chocolate Cookie Crisp Per 1 cup: 190 calories, 1 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 200 mg sodium, 43 g carbs (3 g fiber, 14 g sugar), 4 g protein, What's so smart about a high-sugar, low-fiber cereal? Kenmai Rice Bran Rice Chex was introduced in 1950, about the time the name "Wheat Chex" was introduced. There is no evidence proving that wheat Chex has been discontinued. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY. Capn Crunchs Choco Crunch Although some of his health-related suggestions were reasonable, Edgerly also had bizarre, racist ideas. Check out the full Wendy's breakfast menu taste test for a full review. Wheat Chex Cereal is always wonderful in all kinds of ways beyond breakfast. Choco Crack As the founder of Ralstonism, Edgerly wrote books to promote his beliefs on how to achieve longevity, be sexually magnetic, and develop telepathy. Tonys Cinnamon Krunchers But Wheat Chex it's the red-headed step-child of the Chex family of cereals. . [31][32], During the 1930s, Ralston Purina sponsored the Tom Mix radio show, produced Tom Mix comic books and give-aways,[27] and promoted Shredded Ralston (what became Wheat Chex) as, "the Tom Mix Bite Size cereal that's rich in 'Cowboy Energy. According to Lisa Moskovitz, RD, CDN, "BHT is still highly controversial and limited research exists on whether it is harmful to the body or carcinogenic," but she added, "it is still recommended to avoid consuming large quantities. On occasion, manufacturers may improve or change their product formulas and update their labels. Chex is also the basis for a baked snack called "Chex Mix", in which different kinds of Chex are mixed with nuts, pretzels, and baked crackers,[38] and then often baked again with butter and various other spices (Worcestershire sauce in the original mix) to add flavor. He's a pre-existing condition. Chex Wheat Breakfast Cereal - 14oz - General Mills Chex 133 SNAP EBT eligible $3.99 When purchased online Cinnamon Chex Gluten Free Breakfast Cereal - 12oz - General Mills Chex 300 SNAP EBT eligible $3.99 When purchased online Corn Chex Breakfast Cereal - 12oz - General Mills Chex 75 SNAP EBT eligible $3.99 When purchased online var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-53563316-1&cid=a0e9b099-3afd-4c4b-ae1b-651708106155&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=367624527187045098'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); But not all diet offenders are easy to point out. If you can not find the product in your local store, you can purchase it online. The cereal is not available for sale. Each of these boxes contains 10 or more grams of sugar compared to fiber per serving, which is higher than what is expert-recommended. Honey Nut Chex. secure. Whether youre whipping up a batch of Chex Mix for the holidays or packing lunch for the kids, Chex offers a world of possibility in every box. Triples Archies It was their addition of artificial colorsYellow 5, Yellow 6, Red 40, and Blue 1. Per 1 cup: 200 calories, 2.5 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 125 mg sodium, 42 g carbs (3 g fiber, 11 g sugar), 5 g protein. 3. Commercial and homemade varieties exist, and the dish is a common holiday snack in the United States. Health and Beauty Double Dip Crunch Frankenberry That's because they attempt to deflect attention away from their 17 grams of sugar by selling their cereal as healthy with the claim "Omega-3" from the added flax seeds. I believe in limited government, but shouldn't someone have stepped in to prevent this? Ever wonder what goes into and stands behind the food we make? Your body can't break down the whole flaxseed, so you have to grind them up first to reap their heart-healthy omega-3s. Shredded Wheat is like Cheerios popular enough to be here forever. Think of the children. High fiber foods will slow your body's digestion of the sugars to prevent any energy-draining spikes in blood sugar. "Any help would be welcome. In 1894, William Danforth created a company to sell animal feedforpets and farm animals. How does this happen? It combines wheat berry flakes with flaxseeds. It is not always clear when some of the cereals were discontinued. It overcame that Hot Ralston was "steaming paste that children hated" by hiring Tom Mix, cowboy star, to be its mascot (his image, anyway. Pretty unhealthy, right? I like it pointed out in your words. Frosty Os Buc Wheats I'll stick to strawberry Honey Bunches of Oats from Post, neither too bland nor too sweet. Puffa Puffa Rice He also had delusions of grandeur, stating that Ralstonism"is as necessary as food, light or water. I can imagine the series of meetings and brand reviews to get the new box design approved who says we all live in the same world? Gluten-free does not always mean healthy! Buzz Blasts Josie Green. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Chex Cereal On Sale : Target So while some may say the grain has been broken or they dont know whether to buy it, some are happy with what they can find. [11][12], When Ralcorp sold the Chex Brand to General Mills, the Federal Trade Commission required General Mills to permit the production of private label (store brand) versions of Chex, including by Ralcorp itself. But still. The following Kellogg's products are gluten-free, but look at the nutritional label as recipes may change: . Protein is all the rage right now and for good reason. I have no insights into the man or why he is here or what should be done about him. Where the heck did Kix original and Berry Berry Kix go? "[29], Even so, later ad campaigns for Chex varieties were not so restrained: "Now in every box of Sugar Frosted Chex, you can get one of nine different prizes. Dolls You may not be going to the right store. . Crunchy, satisfyingwith a nice big cup of coffee. He seems to like Cocoa Puffs the best. You may enjoy our Overnight Muesli options as an alternative. Based on the game The Ultimate Doom, Chex Quest was the first computer game to appear in a box of cereal. Spiderman Cereal var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-53563316-1&cid=c3bfeaec-7c6a-4f83-b04c-d346ea085d11&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=8919150960047675682'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); Kellogg's sweetens up the cereal with sucralose, an artificial sweetener that won't shut off your hunger hormones like real sugar can. General Mills splatters health-sounding claims like "Gluten-Free," "No Colors from Artificial Sources," "No Artificial Flavors," "No High Fructose Corn Syrup" on their box, but they forgot to mention there are 17 grams of sugar in a cup serving. How do we avoid this type of thing from happening in the future? Does anyone remember the Chex newspaper that appeared on the back of the boxes at some time in the 60s? Capn Crunchs Oops! Booberry Chex Cereal delivers simple goodness in every bite BOX CONTAINS: 36.5oz 3 ct of Chex cereal bags; 1 Corn Chex, 1 Rice Chex and 1 Wheat Chex Buy it with + + Total price: Sea Salt Bagel Chips, Bulk Size (24oz. Here are 10 things you might not know about the little poofed squares. Mr. T 20 Discontinued Snacks May Never See Again Eat This Not That I feel oddly protective of Wheat Chex. Conclusion Contact us online or by phone Remember these? 60+ of your favorite vintage breakfast cereals from the Oh well, back to my "healthy" option garnished with a week's worth (read: 1 can of Coke) of sugar! Discontinued Cereals List Kelloggs, Post, General Mills, Nabisco, Ralston, Quaker 34 comments. Calcium Carbonate, Iron and Zinc (mineral nutrients), Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate), A B Vitamin (niacinamide), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin B1 (thiamin mononitrate), Vitamin A (palmitate), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), A B Vitamin (folic acid), Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3. Multi Bran Chex slowly lost distribution in stores, and it was recently discontinued," General Mills wrote on Twitter. Get the best food tips and diet In 1996, some Chex boxes included a special prize: a CD-ROM for a game called Chex Quest. They're referring to the clean-up, not the pouring milk part. Kroonchy Starz I probably shouldn't be eating Chex at allthe stuff is fattening as hell. So, if you want wheat Chex cereal, there are still places to get it. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { We contacted customer relations representatives to confirm each cereal was in fact removed from the market. We're all probably doing fine without. Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day, and your life can be quite disrupted if any changes to your beloved morning foods happen without notice. You might not know where to look people do not see this cereal nearly as much as they used to, and since it has been around a long time, there is a chance that those who sell wheat Chex may not be on social media like I am. Wackies But having given up bourbon, I'll be damned if I'll surrender Wheat Chex too. and executable. The site also offers other products which are not made by General Mills. Something not real sugary but sweet enough to satisfy (Honey Bunches of Oats is a good example).SandyK. Most recently, in 2015, General Mills discontinued gluten-free Chex oatmeal after it didnt sell enough units. How about commenting on today's article in the Sun-Times on gangs planning to kill cops sniper style and/or Madigan (still better than Rauner) railroading his Democratic primary opponent? Add raiain bran, a little granola. In more recent years, there have been the typical palette of failed flavors-- Vanilla Chex, Honey Graham Chex. A whole-grain should be listed as the first ingredientnot sugarand ensure there are no artificial flavors, preservatives, colors, or partially hydrogenated oils. Chex - Wikipedia reader, you probably know by now that some classic morning mealsfrozen waffles and pop tarts, we're looking at youare on a mission to crush your weight loss goals. Discover how we put our best food forward when it comes to making our products. Explore a variety of snacks and meals that bring joy to families everywhere. Kellogg's uses nonfat yogurt powder that's heat treated (and, thus, contains no probiotics), and throws in a medley of inflammatory sugars, artificial flavors, and artificial colors that will knock your gut health off track. Lucky Charms. Chocolate Lucky Charms. Oh, the days when it was socially acceptable to eat pure sugar in . [13][14], In its early days, Shredded Ralston (what became Wheat Chex) was promoted as a cereal for the whole family. Chex Wheat Breakfast Cereal - 14oz - General Mills : Target From pets to parents and everyone in-between, we make food the world loves. Shot on a shoestring budget with special effects considered cheesy even then, the product was woven into the plot linemembers of the Space Patrol would pause from their adventures to keep their energy up by wolfing down a few bowls of Chex. Whether you start your day with a bowl of Rice Chex with milk, snack on Chex Mix in the afternoon, or have a handful of Chocolate Chex for dessert, you cant go wrong with this classic cereal. Unhealthy menu: These are the unhealthiest items at every major fast-food chain in the U.S. Description: Strawberry flavored, honeycomb-shaped cereal, Description: Corn cereal with Pac Man-shaped marshmallows, Description: Red and blue corn puffs in berry flavor, Description: Corn and oat cereal pieces shaped like the letter T, Description: Infinity-shaped, honey sweetened oat, wheat and corn cereal, that basically tasted like Lucky Charms but without the marshmallows, Description: Oat cereal shaped like the Ghostbusters logo with ghost-shaped marshmallows in a glow-in-the-dark box, Description: Featured two separate tangy flavors divided in one box, like the candies, Description: Fruit flavored, rainbow-shaped cereal pieces in multiple colors, Description: Spiderweb-shaped cereal with marshmallows, Description: Fruit flavored cereal with vanilla flavored marshmallows, Description: Fruit flavored multigrain cereal with marshmallow stars, Description: Fruit flavored cereal shaped like goofy faces, in a box covered in comics, Description: Shaped like donuts, came in glazed donut and chocolate flavors, Description: Net-shaped cereal with crunchy marshmallows that left your milk green, Description: Multigrain fruit flavored cereal in the shape of hearts, bows, cars, stars, and the letter B, Description: Toasted oat squares with music note-shaped marshmallows, Description: Corn, oat, and rice cereal in the shape of Ts, Os, and Ns, Description: Corn and oat cereal shaped and flavored like swirled cinnamon bun, Description: Spooky-shaped cereal with a memorable lack of flavor, Description: Vanilla flavored, star-shaped cereal, Description: Oat and corn cereal with dinosaur-shaped marshmallows, Description: Purple rice crisps with green Reptar-shaped pieces, Description: Donut-shaped cinnamon flavored cereal, Description: Peanut butter chocolate flavored orbs, Description: Cinnamon flavored cereal with marshmallow houses, hotels, and deeds, Description: Wheat and rice flakes with berry yogurt flavored clusters, Description: Cake batter flavored rice cereal, Description: Apple flavored oat and corn cereal pieces shaped like Xs and Os, made for toddlers. These oatmeal squares are full of bad-for-you ingredients yellow 5 and 6 as well as caramel colora chemically-derived additive which commonly contains an artificial form of phosphorous that's been shown to leach calcium from our bones. Food and Drink Wheat Chex cereal can be combined with Rice Chex, Corn Chex, pretzels, bagel chips, mixed nuts and a blend of buttery seasoned goodness in the iconic Original Chex Mix recipe. [26] By 1941, however, while their advertising still hoped to entice mothers and wives, the promotions had begun to be aimed at children, such as Tom Mix comic book give-aways. Though a search for Overnight Muesli reveals that that product has gone to the cereal graveyard just like the oatmeal. Tested through time, just 15 minutes to make. Wheat Chex. 9 varieties ranging from sweet to simple to gluten-free. He warned that watermelons are poisonous to most Caucasians and weak (non-white) people should be castrated. Whats not to love about Chex cereal? A box would probably last me a year or more. Did Wheat Chex get discontinued? Discontinued Cereals List - Kellogg's, Post, General Mills, Nabisco, Ralston, Quaker Archies Banana Frosted Flakes Baron Von Redberry Bart's Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch Batman Cereal Berry Berry Kix Bigg Mixx Bill & Ted's Excellent Cereal Blueberry Waffelos Body Buddies Booberry Breakfast With Barbie Buc Wheats Buzz Blasts C3PO's Comments are moderated, and posted at the discretion of the proprietor. Sprinkle Spangles Malt-O-Meal, also a Post brand, is known for producing lower-cost cereals sold in bags instead of boxes. 2. The Ralston Purina company introduced an early version of Wheat Chex, calling it Shredded Ralston. All rights reserved. Chex Wheat Breakfast Cereal - 14oz - General Mills $3.99When purchased online In Stock Add to cart About this item Highlights Contains one 14 oz recyclable cereal box of General Mills Wheat Chex Cereal (liner bag is in-store recyclable) Oven toasted wheat breakfast cereal that contains no high fructose corn syrup and no artificial colors or flavors This box from Kellogg's hijacks the claim, "antioxidants"which are plant-based compounds that mop up inflammatory, cancer-causing free radicalsmaking the cereal sound healthier than it is. Explore how our purpose-driven way of doing business impacts people, communities, and the planet. The boxes promoted her book, Women Are Not Small Men: Life Saving Strategies For Preventing and Healing Heart Disease In Women, as well as diet and exercise tips for heart health. Today, there are Alpha Bits and Apple Jacks, Bran Buds, Bran Flakes and Raisin Bran, Cheerios, Corn Chex, Rice Chex, and Wheat Chex, Cocoa Krispies, Cocoa Puffs, Concentrate, Corn Crackos, Corn Flakes, Corn Nix, Crispy Critters, Froot Loops, Frosty O's, Grape Nuts and Grape Nuts Flakes, Honeycomb, Krumbles . Sir Grapefellow You may be looking for another cereal brand. The oatmeal was a combination of wheat berry flakes, flaxseeds, and oats. Gluten-Free Rice Krispies has been discontinued. "I always associated cereal boxes with having an athlete on the box, so now I think of myself as sort of an 'athlete for health,'" Goldberg told HealthDay. They are the same as Crystal Wedding Oats, minus the plastic tumbler inside." If you have specific healthcare concerns or questions about the products displayed, please contact your licensed healthcare professional for advice or answers. The actual Mix, a squeaky-voiced alcoholic, was kept out-of-sight). Get the best food tips and diet advice every single day, Now, you'll have the best and latest food and healthy eating news right in your inboxevery I figure it's "healthier" than cookies or cake or whatever. Over the past few decades, some beloved Chex flavors have come and gone. The comment reads, in part, "We're sorry to say our oatmeal did not have enough fans, so we had to make the difficult decision to discontinue it. It's long held the reputation of being one of the few healthy cereals, but that's mostly because of the "bran" part of the equation. Major food companies employ virtual armies of chefs, food scientists, and marketing gurus dedicated to rolling out new products. My husband eats a big bowl of kid's cereal every morningwith milk. Wendy's tried out steel-cut oatmeal in 2012 but it has since disappeared from the menu. Wheat Chex - Chex Cereal, Chex Recipes and Chex Products If you want to nourish your system, try doing so without ingesting highly processed foods like soy protein isolate, modified corn starch, acacia gum, and the potentially carcinogen-containing preservative, BHT. Someone has to keep the faith. Chex is featured in a series of first-person shooter computer games (Chex Quest, Chex Quest 2, and Chex Quest 3) in which the player takes on the role of a Chex Warrior clad in Chex Armor. In the 1950s, Ralston Purina tweaked Shredded Ralstons texture and flavor, rebranding it as Wheat Chex, named after the companys checkerboard logo. While these recipes aren't officially discontinued (retro recipes are still out there! Per 1 cup: 220 calories, 3 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 150 mg sodium, 46 g carbs (4 g fiber, 12 g sugar), 4 g protein. Breakfast cereals are on the decline, and have been for years. OJs I think the servers wore PJs and there were TVs that showed cartoons. Sales fell 25 percent between 2000 and 2015still at $10 billion, but shrinking. Oops! Chex cereal is egg . Aldi still sells black beans, cannellini beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, northern beans, garbanzo beans, and other types of beans. Did Wheat Chex get discontinued? I - Jolene DiFilippo | Facebook Gluten Free & Dairy Free Chicken Enchiladas. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { For other uses, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "General Mills Agrees to Buy Chex Brands for $570 Million", "Kellogg's Korea Releases Green Onion Flavoured Chex Cereal", "Raisin Bran Chex Cereal -", Casper the Friendly GhostSugar Chex cereal commercial, YouTube, "Kellogg's Gets Experimental With Green Onion Flavored Chex Cereal", 1953 Space Patrol Chex Cereal Commercial, Ed Kemmer, YouTube, Ralston Purina Chex with The Chexmates, YouTube, "Archived Kellogg's page discussing their Crispix/Chex brands in Australia and New Zealand",, North America, United Kingdom, South Korea, Corn Chex (introduced throughout the United States in 1959, Honey Nut Chex (introduced in 1998 as the first General Mills addition to the Chex brand), Sugar Frosted Chex (released throughout the United States in 1969), Green Onion Chex (limited edition, released by Kellogg's in South Korea in 2020), This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 20:56. Cookie Crisp. Danforth then started making cereal (for humans, not animals) and teamed up with Webster Edgerly, a self-help author who promoted a diet of whole grain cereals. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. What the heck has been going on with Wheat Chex? The brand also used to include Original Instant Oatmeal, Blueberry Morning Instant Oatmeal, and Maple Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal which have since been discontinued. While it is by no means a complete archive of discontinued flavors, it includes many cereals that were released in conjunction with a popular movie or cartoon and subsequently disappeared when the hype died down. 0:34. Not really. The cereal is still sold in grocery stores across the country. if( 'moc.sihttae.www' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Resealable Zip Lock Stand Up Bag) 46 [2] Wheat Chex has a new box. Wheat Chex was originally marketed as a cereal for the entire family, but by 1941, promotions aimed at children, such as Tom Mix comic book giveaways, had begun to emerge. Donkey Kong Jr. I wish theyd bring back Double Dip Crunch. There's always Rice and Corn and all the new varieties, Cinnamon and Chocolate and whatever, and you wonder whether they just ran out of Wheat Chex, or can't be bothered stocking it just for me. Quick Answer: When Were Wheat Chex Introduced? While omega-3s are a healthy fat that's been found to decrease inflammation and boost brainpower, you, unfortunately, won't be able to reap much of their benefits in this way. Vanquish those dessert-like breakfast foods so you can stay on top of your body goals by choosing thebest breakfast foods for weight loss. I always worry that Wheat Chex will be discontinued in the age of the gluten free craze. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. . Chex Mix Snack Party Mix, Honey Nut, Sweet Salty Pub Mix Not so much "avoid" as "unable to think of anything that hasn't been said three different ways in the past two weeks.". I'm not much of a cereal eater. Instead, brands just plastered health-focused words like "antioxidants" or "whole grain" onto their cereal boxes in an attempt to catch the eye of the unassuming dieter. It's the *only* cold cereal I'll eat, as I can't stand how everything else goes soggy almost immediately. With their recent push to revitalize their breakfast menu, they have included an oatmeal bar is that is far more cookie-like and less healthy than a bowl of steel-cut oats. In the mid-1950s, Chex boxes featured recipes for Chex party mixes, and a Ralston Purina executives wife reportedly made a well-received homemade Chex mix for a party. Berry Berry Kix Cinnamon Mini-Buns [28], Ralston Purina attempted to redefine the Chex brand in 1956 by running copy on cereal boxes and in some newspapers which declared that they would no longer be putting prizes inside the boxes or targeting children: "This box contains 12 ounces of crunchable, munchable Wheat Chex - the only cereal made on purpose for Grownups. Banana Frosted Flakes Books and Magazines Breakfast food: 34 cereals no longer available in stores - USA TODAY When Rice Chex was introduced in 1950,[6] one advertisement described it as, "Golden-toasted shreds of rice, crisscrossed into hollow, Bit Size waffles.