Also every year Southwest Ohio produces a giantic buck of the Beatty or Schmucker(spllng?) 102. It doesn't matter if you like the clean lines and picture-perfect symmetry of a typical whitetail or if you're more into the kickers, stickers, drop-tines and freakish nature of a big non-typical, Ohio has you coveredand the deer are all over the state. Both beams are just shy of 30 inches, and the inside spread is 17 7/8 inches. Most interesting are its 9 6/8- and 7 4/8-inch brow tines. Similar to Kansas in its even distribution of Boone & Crockett entries, Ohio seems to be an equal opportunity employer for big bucks across the state. 87. I have bucks mounted ranging from 120 inches all the way to 210 inches. This rack sports a unique, sweeping antler style with long tines and beams. - The Boone and Crockett Club's . Spot and range targets without wasting valuable seconds switching between gear with Luepold's new rangefinder binocular, the BX-4 Range HD. BOONE COUNTY, Ky. A 59-year-old man was arrested on sodomy and drug trafficking charges after officials said he sodomized a "lifeless" man who he had . Or what is your opinion on this? edition of the book was printed in 2012 feature five new typical bucks including William L. Loyd's 2018 buck from Lee County, Arkansas, that scored 200-1/8 points and ranks #17 All-time and #1 in the state, pending review by the Judges Panel for the 31st Big Game Awards in 2022, as well as three other . Advertisement. Overall, the buck has a 21 5/8-inch inside spread, 23- and 25 6/8-inch main beams, and mass measurements ranging from 5 to 8 6/8 inches. 62 overall. New Mexico, Mora County99 pronghorn in B&C records Kevin Miller shot it in Kent County, which is known for big whitetails. 98. Spreading over some 4,500 acres of land that simply looks like prime deer habitat its no wonder. 9. While its No. In commemoration of its 125th anniversary, Boone and Crockett Club has released an historic list of the Top 125 trophy counties across the U.S. Taken in 2006, and reaching an impressive 187 2/8 inches, the Klucky buck was bagged in Merrimack County. 100 or go to But big nontypical whitetailssporting racks covered in drop tines, extra main beams, and a dizzying number of pointsare on another level. Its mass is the true gem, though, with it increasing as it moves out the beam. Josh Harden passed up multiple 140-class bucks during the Kansas rut to hold out for his 187-inch Booner. Maps and more information are available at Wyoming, Teton County--67 bison in B&C records A look at the Pope & Young record book shows that since 2010, Meigs County down south leads the state with 44 entries. In fact, last year our records program had 979 new entries, compared to 372 just 30 years ago. and last updated 5:37 PM, Mar 02, 2023. The James deer was shot in Buchanan County in 1999. 2 buck, which was killed in 1920. Coming out of St. Louis County, its a true legend. 1 in NoDak and No. Boone and Crockett Club. Incredibly, one tine measures more than 10 inches, another over 12 inches, two bigger than 13 inches, and one over 14 inches. That said, it has an impressive 12-point rack with one abnormal point. 20. Even self-proclaimed meat hunters cant deny the magnitude of a trophy buck. it's the current Boone and Crockett world record, grossing 192 3/8 and netting 184 7/8. The largest nontypical Coues whitetail ever harvested was tagged by an unnamed Native American in 1971. I consider this 20 mile radius the best place in the United States to harvest a giant whitetail. However, its No. Furthermore, three of eight mass measurements are well over 6 inches. 1 in the Land of 10,000 Lakes and No. It features an inside spread nearly 25 inches, beams over 27 inches, and three towering tines over 13 inches. It has 25 6/8- and 28 3/8-inch beams and a 19 5/8-inch inside spread. The deer has 39 points, a 20 1/8-inch inside spread, and much more. Tagged in Randolph County in 1971, Larry Gibsons Missouri buck ranks No. For maps and more deer hunting information about pursuing whitetails on Muskingum Countys public lands call (740) 589-9930 or visit Nevada, Elko County--38 Rocky Mountain goat in B&C records Trophy hunters always want to know where bucks with the largest racks are being bagged. 71. Among the accomplishments includes the recently concluded Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt initiative, which in 10 years conserved or enhanced 5.3 million acres of critical wildlife habitat, recruited 1.5 million new or lapsed hunters, and opened new access to 750,000 acres for hunting and recreation. 3 all-time. District Five Wildlife Management Supervisor Brett Beatty recommends a state forest, and public wildlife area and a preserve for whitetail hunters who want to sample what Adams County has to offer deer-wise this season. 28. The deer has 17 points and a 17 6/8-inch inside spread. Arizona, Pima County92 typical Coues whitetail deer in B&C records Numerous daytime trail camera . 65. The newest edition in this series - Boone and Crockett Club's 26th Big Game Awards, 2004-2006 - has definitely raised the bar for hunting enthusiasts. For maps and more information about deer hunting at Forked Run, call (740) 378-6206. A few counties are recognized on the list for multiple categories of trophies. Deer: Balancing Expectations for Small Properties, Get to Know Your Neighbors for Better Deer Herd Management, Big Buck Profile: Reid Crawford Kansas Buck, Choosing Correct Magnification for Rifle Scope, Big Buck Profile: Troy Metzger's East Illinois Giant. Wisconsin, Trempealeau County--36 typical whitetail deer in B&C records Beatty lured this beast into bow range by calling, rattling and saturating the air with scent bombs. With 38 points, its eye-catching, for sure. Seven B&C-qualifying bucks shot in Adams County in the past five seasons have been entered into the clubs record books, and with abundant public hunting opportunities Adams is a go-to place for Ohio hunters seeking trophy racks. The palmation on the right side is insane. Iowa continues to rank #3 for Boone and Crockett Club trophy whitetail with 1,330 total entries in the recently released sixth edition of the Club's "Records of North American Whitetail Deer." The 688-page book compiles state and provincial data of trophy whitetail deer and showcases states like Iowa that institute successful conservation measures to support healthy deer populations. But historically liberal bag limits hunters could take as many as nine deer in some areas have helped to drastically lower deer numbers. 88. 74. California, Tehama County--46 typical Columbia blacktail deer in B&C records As a cool 16-pointer, the deers most impressive features includes two main beams over 30 4/8 inches, two tines longer than 11 inches, and two over 13 inches. It has heavy mass, with two measurements over 7 inches, two over 6 inches, and four over 5 inches. The largest typical in the Bluegrass State, the Smith buck was bagged in Pendleton County. Rather, it was picked up in Lee County, Alabama, more than three and a half decades ago by George P. Mann. The tip-to-tip spread is 21 7/8 inches, and the inside spread is 27 5/8 inches, which is also astounding. 19 all time. It is important to note that the trails remain open to horseback riders during the deer hunting season, so extra caution must be taken. Since then, he has worked for most of the major hunting magazines and websites, including Field & Stream. Its 66 rack also has two short abnormal points. The largest Maryland typical of all time leads the state by over 8 inches. That timber includes plenty of mast-producing oak and hickory, which may account for the areas healthy population of whitetails. 3 in P&Y. It has 31 total points, a 19 5/8-inch inside spread, 25- and 26-plus-inch main beams, and more. If you look at the number of deer killed per year 500-600 and the number of BBBC that have been killed. The biggest Kentucky nontypical whitetail was picked up in 2019. According to the Department of Natural Resources, last year more than 87,000 bowhunters pursued deer in the Buckeye State. Idaho, Bonneville County--37 Shiras moose in B&C records 61. You know what? Montana, Rosebud County--38 pronghorn in B&C records The Boone and Crockett Club has compiled big game records since 1932, when they published the first copy of Records of North American Big Game. Arizona, Mohave County--50 desert sheep in B&C records For information on those opportunities, visit Gordon Whittington talks with Steven Sprout about the trophy buck he took back in 1998 while bowhunting public land in Illinois. The main beams are 19 6/8 and 21 4/8 inches, inside spread is 16 2/8 inches, and mass measurements are 4-5 inches. 45. Trophy Buckeye State whitetails thrive on public and private land alike. Here are the top overall states for Boone and Crockett bucks for total entries per square mile of land mass within the last 10 years. All but one mass measurement is over 5 inches. This great buck was panel-scored at 294 0/8 net inches. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. 118. Its brow tines (G1s), G2s, and G3s are all 11 to 13 inches. Wisconsin topped the B & C list, with 380 trophy entries from 2006 to 2011. Tine length is where this buck shines, though, with one tine over 12 inches and three over 13 inches. "His nose was pressed against the pad dipped in doe-in-heat lure," the bowhunter recalls. Again, both beams beat out all other typical and non-typical deer entered into the Boone & Crockett record books. It has a total of 26 points, 15 of which are abnormal. This 76 is impressive and lacks nothing. Louisianas top nontypical was home to Tensas Parish. I believe I will be hunting Brown county next week or Morrow.. It also has solid beam length and inside spread. 123. I harvested the buck of my dreams on November 11th, 2014. Washington, Okanogan County--15 Rocky Mountain goat in B&C records New Mexico has both whitetails and Coues deerand two of the former were large enough to make the typical record books. Two others came from the same area, but Shavers holds a commanding lead. It has 30 points, both beams over 25 inches, an inside spread of 24 6/8 inches, and more. This buck sports a total of 27 points, 18 of which are abnormal. You can go through the entire list if youd likeor you can simply scroll down to your state to see what itll take to tag a new record whitetail deer during the 2022 whitetail hunting season. Go to for more information on trophy whitetails. Scoring 254 1/8 inches, it sits at No. Saskatchewan 805 entries. In the video above, Leopold's Shawn Skipper highlights the features of the exciting new optics with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. As long as the trophies were used in a responsible manner, the club has accepted them for years in addition to crossbows, recurves, handguns, and shotguns. It features nearly 54 inches of mass, and five of these measurements are over 6 inches and three over 5 inches. Oregon, Jackson County93 typical Columbia blacktail deer in B&C records Licking County compares favorably with any county in the midwest for trophy whitetails. 43. The top Yellowhammer State typical wasnt killed by a hunter. Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens. All eight mass measurements are moderate between 4 3/8 and 5 1/8 inches. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. 2. One of three nontypical Booners in South Carolina, the Wood whitetail is a magnificent creature. In fact, it consistently ranks as one of the top states . Kentucky is one of the top states in the country for Boone & Crockett bucks. In many areas the age structure and buck:doe ratios are out of whack, prompting officials to reduce bag limits and prohibit antlerless kills in all but 10 urban counties. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. 9 all-time, this 45-pointer is a monster. Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens. Give a Gift
But the average age of deer, especially bucks, depends a lot on the choices hunters make. For camping or cabin reservations, call (866) 644-6727. Scyphers harvested this massive McDowell County whitetail in 2014. In total, the deer has 67 points, all but three of which are on the left side. I just read an article in Ohio Game and Fish. It packs 45 points, main beams in the mid-20s, and a 24 3/8-inch inside spread. During life Just $1 per month , The biggest typical whitetail deer, to be specific. 72. Illinois, Jo Daviess County--31 typical whitetail deer in B&C records This deer is pretty freaky, especially on that left side. Marlin is back in the game with the re-introduction of the classic 336 and 1894 lever-action hunting rifles. This info is in the Ohio Hunting Regulations book. Deer and turkey hunting are his primary focus, though he also writes frequently about conservation, predator hunting, and small game hunting. Carrying 26 7/8- and 28 6/8-inch main beams dont hurt, either. This 736-page volume features a complete listing of trophies accepted in the 26th Awards Period and for the first time ever, each listing will include the gross B&C . B&C Score: 206 1/8 One of the most famous world's record heads in Boone and Crockett Club history is the buck 22-year-old James Jordan killed near Danbury . The deer experts at Game & Fish have studied Boone and Crockett harvests in New York over the past five years and have found the best place to find a giant Empire State whitetail in 2019. No ATVs are permitted, deer hunters must hike into the area, and a limited number of free permits are given out each season to maintain the quality hunting experience. | It has a unique 55 rack with two abnormal points on the right side. Harvested by Tony Lovstuen, Iowas top nontypical was taken in Monroe County in 2003. At fewer than 800 acres, Forked Run State Park, located three miles south of Reedsville in eastern Meigs County, is often overlooked by deer hunters who figure it takes big woods to produce big deer in southern Ohio. Rack Type: County: Hunter: Net Score: Implement: Harvest Year: Rank This clean, 10-point rack boasts a 20 1/8-inch inside spread, 30-inch main beams, and two tines over 13 inches. 15 all-time, its a huge deer, and scores so highly thanks to 47 points. It also has a 23 -inch inside spread. Not one of its mass measurements reaches the 5-inch mark, and the inside spread is only 18 1/8 inches. The main beams are over 20 and 22 inches, and the inside spread is 17 6/8 inches. 27. Foster shot this Roane County monster in 1959, and its held the top spot ever since. Honeycutt been an outdoor communicator since 2010. Related: The Biggest B&C Record Typical Bucks from Every State. The new 7mm Precision Rifle Cartridge from Hornady is available in three loads (160 gr. Status: P&Y's sixth world-record typical whitetail. The list is based on Boone and Crockett big-game records--trophy data going back to 1830 and long used by conservationists to gauge outstanding habitat, strong recruitment of game animals into older age classes, sustainable harvest objectives and other elements of sound wildlife management and fair-chase hunting. The archer was preparing to leave for lunch when he saw the buck of his dreams standing 10 yards away. Montana, Flathead County--31 Shiras moose in B&C records Oregon was last, with just one entry. Texas, Dimmit County--47 typical whitetail deer in B&C records Hunters here also have the opportunity to lease exceptional ground for hunting. Learn more in the video above, with Remington's Joel Hodgdon and Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. 59. Only two bucks taken in the past 30 years come within 10 inches of the top spot. As witnessed by Adams Countys tally of seven Booners, as compared to one for Scioto and four for Pike county since 2013, Adams 7,500 acres of state forest is where you want to hunt. Washington, Chelan County--15 Rocky Mountain goat in B&C records Its also the No. The Garrett buck is the lone Oregon nontypical in the books. 12. The deer, being mature, knew something wasn't right, but after what seemed like an eternity, he finally let the arrow fly. 13. 22. North Carolina, Hyde County--32 black bear in B&C records American Electric Power (AEP) ReCreation Lands are famous for their whitetail hunting opportunities, especially for those who want to get far off the beaten track. Sitting at No. The other three deer were taken in the early and mid-2000s. With a spread of 23 4/8 inches and mass measurements ranging from 4 1/8 to 6 2/8 inches, this is an all-around great deer. The rack itself is something to behold. 1 in the state, its No. The G2 are very impressive as well, both extending beyond 13 inches. An annual subscription is $50. 58. All North American Whitetail subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Arizona, Coconino County--50 typical American elk in B&C records Hovering at No. 65 all-time. Support: Wisconsin, Bayfield County--34 black bear in B&C records Taken in Stanley County, this deer is a huge animal. Most hunting units are managed for rams in the 6- to 8-year-old range, and it's tough to get a Colorado ram in the record book. The rifle has five caliber offerings, two barrel choices and three different riser stocks. 849 overall. Boone & Crockett Club. LaRue's Ethan Alexander talks about the Siete's features with Game & Fish's Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Ohio | 457 total entries | 0.01116 entries. It only has three tines over 10 inches, but this deer really gets its score from the vast number of points. Ohio 848 entries. It has 16 total points with a 17 6/8-inch spread. Oregon, Wallowa County--30 bighorn sheep in B&C records It was bagged in Prairie County in 1999 and continues to hold the record. One of the largest in terms of acres to hike in search of big deer, according to Hill, is the Tri-Valley Wildlife Area. 33 all-time. 2 deer in the state. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Darker colors indicate more records. Bisected by several routes, there is plenty of access to the area. What is the Most Important Factor in Whitetail Nutrition? However, all but two mass measurements are less than 5 inches. Strange. For more information call (937) 544-2880. It even has one G5 at 5 4/8 inches, and solid mass measurements to boot. 3 all-time due to two picked-up bucks. 1 typical in South Carolina came out of Pickens County in 1994. It has a total of 44 points, beams in the low-to-mid 20s, and an inside spread of 23 3/8 inches. 77. Both beams are 22 inches or less and the inside spread is only 15 1/8 inches. It was taken in New London County. 52. Stan Potts heads to Montana with his rifle in search of a Big Sky buck. Special camping areas for deer hunters will be established on the recreation area during the deer gun season as well. Ohio The Ohio record nontypical wasn . Oregon, Harney County--51 pronghorn in B&C records Permits are issued on a first come, first serve basis, are available to the public and are good for deer hunting only for both the archery and deer gun seasons. Welcome to the neighborhood gals & boys." 18. 110. I may be biased, because that's where I live! "But the good news extends well beyond the list. Mass is on the weaker side for a state record, but it has a 21 6/8-inch inside spread, respectable main beams over 26 and 27 inches, and six tines over 10 inches that range from 10 to 14 3/8 inches. Personal defense in the hunting woods could involve taking down a charging bear. John A. Breen shot his massive, 202-inch whitetail in Beltrami County in 1918. In essence, of the near three-quarters of a million . Wyoming, Park County--31 typical American elk in B&C records John Lee shot this deer in Madison Perish, but little more is known about the deer. Licking County is #1 overall. The left side main beam is slightly longer at 29 inches, while the right side is 27 7/8 inches. Illinois, Fulton County--26 non-typical whitetail deer in B&C records Wyoming, Lincoln County--40 Shiras moose in B&C records Arizona, Coconino County--34 non-typical mule deer in B&C records A special opportunity for a limited number of proactive deer hunters who want to hunt Adams County is offered annually on 2,400 acres of the Edge of Appalachia Preserve. So I called F&W. They don't keep that information on their web site. Killed in Johnston County, the Foster deer is No. For more precision, limit the number of counties and categories. Go Whole Hog for Delectable Backyard Pork BBQ, Western Whiskerfish: Trophy Flatheads, Channels, Even Blues, It's Tick Season. Vic Bulliner shot this monster during firearms season in Hillsdale County, .