Thank you for not allowing the blood thirsty mob to prevent you from doing what you believe to be right. Sandra Nicolier My eyes were not open," she said. He is a great artist, no doubt about it, but he commited a crime against a child and needs to be prosecuted. I say treat them all equally! Broadly reached out to Almodovar to ask if he regrets supporting Polanski, but he declined to reply by the time of publication. International cinema. Patrick Bouchitey so dont free him :), First off Mr. Polanski did not rape anyone. Shall we all rape, murder, steal, defraud etc. (Page 13), On march 13, 1977, the day you had sexual intercourse how old did you believe her to be?, Are you pleading guilty Freely and voluntarily?. He fled the country to France before he could be properly sentenced. Ren Gainville Perhaps we can send the children of the signatories of this petition over to Roman so he can drug and sodomize them, as Im sure this whole unfortunate arrest business has him very stressed, and clearly in the opinion of the aforementioned signatories, such a genius deserves to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Thierry Fremaux That does not make what he did any better. Many other priests have committed this sort of crime, and they are dealt with most liberally. The names on the petition include Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Isabelle Huppert, Penelope Cruz, Diane von Furstenberg, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Harmony Korine, Ethan Cohen, David Lynch, and Harrison Ford. if i was in her position, i would say anything as well. Watch what happened next. so roman polanski is sayong it was consensual,and i have no reason to disbeleive one was there,to know the exact facts. Hes an animal because of what he did to a child; hes a coward because he didnt take his punishment like a man with character. 3. Dominique Crevecoeur They want a circus of blood. Artists are not above the law in any country.. I was mostly just on and off saying: No, stop. But I wasnt fighting really because there was no one else there and I had no place to go. I too have loved many of his films, and consider him a great artist - but that doesnt excuse his crime. High-profile actors like Kate Winslet and Adrien Brody continued to work with him. My eyes were not open.. To not feel remorse. I might not like it, but I can separate the man from his work. By signing up to the Mashable newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications The above people think its OK to rape children if you make good films. In 2018, Dolan apologised and expressed regret for signing the petition. IndieWire is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Some dont reply at all, despite repeated approaches. Emma Thompson has long been an ardent supporter of women's rights, and the British Oscar-winner recently signed a letter in support of the Times Up campaign ahead of this year's BAFTAS. ", Mashable Australia's Web Culture Reporter.Reach out to me on Twitter at @Johnny_Lieu or via email at jlieu [at], "I take responsibility for not thinking about it enough. Laissez cet homme exceptionel tranquil; a sera plus raisonable, moins obstin et plus gnreux. From what is known about the criminal proceedings, it seems the judge was basking in the limelight and behaved outragously thus the entire case should be tossed. I know I was thinking about sex pretty much 90% of the time. But he doesnt mention that in his book. Broadly reached out to del Toro to ask if he regrets supporting Polanski, but he declined to reply by the time of publication. Is Father Polanski any different? Sam Gabarski Roman was charged with sex with minor, not real rape. I didnt know. Yes other people get away with this. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Everyone, including he, knew that once he was outside France and Poland (due to French and Polish laws), any country may arrest and extradite him under its own laws. Women, girls, PEOPLE having a RIGHT to say what happens to their own bodies is NOT a moral issue, it is a human rights issue. Andr Larqui Abderrahmane Sissako Actor Scott Caan, the son of the late actor James Caan, has filed a petition to manage his father's estate in new court documents obtained by The Blast. But I ask her how it feels to see Polanski, a convicted sex offender, still held up as a celebrated director, and what it says about the industrys true feelings about women and girls. And miss Caryn Elaine Johnson, I used to have a lot of respect for you, no more. Harmony Korine "The thing I feel like I gained from it is empathy towards people who have made mistakes. ", A designer's vision of the future involves robots that care for us in our final moments. Do you understand the court will make no decision regarding probation and sentencing until the judge reads all of the reports, Do you understand at the time of your sentencing, the prosecutor may argue that you should go to state prison or be incarcerated in the county jail?, (to Polanskis attorney) Have you explained to your client all of the possible outcomes? I am thoroughly disgusted by the worlds film community for supporting him just because he makes good movies. The filmmaker had been detained over a 1977 underage sex case from the U.S., which he plead guilty to. 1. Juries want to fuck young girls everyone wants to fuck young girls! (Amis, clearly shocked, wrote: Even Humbert Humbert realised that young girls dont really know whether they are willing or not. After Thompson initially signed the petition, Caitlin Hayward-Tappa student at Exeter Universitychallenged the actress about her support for Polanski. I certainly wouldnt allow any of you to get near my daughter. Michael Mann Producer | The Insider Djamel Bennecib Only one persons behaviour is at issue here, Roman Polanski and he deserves to be in prison because he drugged, then raped, then sodomized a 13 year old girl despite her pleas for him to stop. In 2018, Portman apologised and expressed regret for signing the petition. Because you know, rapists are never charming, are they? . He engaged in non-consenting sex acts with a child. Back in 2009, film industry luminaries signed a petition to release Roman Polanski from a Swiss prison and now one star is regretting it. "All I can say is jetlag and lateness. My level of disgust for these petitions cannot even be fully expressed. One admitted they regretted their previous support, given the new allegations, but couldnt bring themselves to say so publicly. Betrand Van Effenterre Sari, to quote you: If Polanski had killed the girl instead of raping her, the whole matter would have been forgotten long ago, In what world would murder be forgotten? 17 HBO and HBO Max Original Series to Get Excited About in 2023. The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox. In fact the number was four. Who gives a shit? Roman Polanski is a Polish filmmaker who has been a fugitive from the U.S. criminal justice system, since 1978, after pledging guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Jetter Roman Polanski aux lions malgr les arguments legaux, cela prendra des proportions de plus en plus exagers. Personally, I can live with a Hugh Grant who got a blow-job from a prostitute. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears, Alexander Payne, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, and Pedro Almodovar are among the 100 and counting film industry figures who have signed the petition, coordinated from France by the SACD, an organization which represents performance and visual artists. The whole world will be so much safer if Polanski ends his days behind bars. Basically, it all comes down to your threshold of pain. Although the Spanish director signed the 2009 petition supporting convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, Almodovars been scathing when it comes to criticising Hollywoods institutional sexism. 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Argento spoke publicly about her support for Polanski in a Twitter post in 2017, writing: "I already regretted signing the petition years ago, already felt it was a mistake. I think her opinion is the ONLY one that counts. To suggest that Polanski was treated unfairly in LA of all places is laughable. 20052023 Mashable, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. when i was 13 started having desires for older men,anywhere up to their became my prefrence since then.i never actually had sex with someone above that age,it was just sort of a forbidden fantasy to was 13,not 5,so i knew better then to act on it,as much as some adults say teenagers dont know better yeah,they do. Paolo Sorrentino And here is another Free Polanski petition, this one organized by writer/philosopher Bernard-Henri Lvy. - le SPI She has had to hear about this, talk about this, show up for the DA, etc, and frankly, after 30 years and your entire adult life having to talk about how you were raped when you were a teenager, I would want the whole thing dropped as well. If you continue browsing, that means you've accepted our Terms of Use/use of cookies. These included Harrison Ford,. That does not make what Polanski did any better. This man should never have been allowed to go free without punishmentand 45 days of evaluation does not constitute punishment! Finally, to those of you suggesting that Polanski got unfair treatment: I suggest you follow up on watching documentaries with some actual research on the justice system in Los Angeles County. And also going against a horrible history of over-seeing white actors and under-seeing otherized people and minorities. Walter Salles He plead guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful sex with a minor because he knew they had enough evidence to fry his ass if it went to trial. Everyone signing this list should be ashamed of themselves. have worked with him, movie insiders say. Nelly Kaplan said that Polanski is "very clearly not a predator" and had a rant about how he is a family man. the uber leftist oh so talented equivocators make me want to hurl. One of the petition's signatories was Natalie Portman, who told BuzzFeed(Opens in a new tab) she "very much" regrets putting her name on it. it just makes you sick to your stomach to see so many people that you gathered so much inspiration from dissapoint you in such a vile way. On these facts, everyone agrees. Pascal Thomas It was a mistake," she told the news outlet. And I propose a boycott of all those individuals (and their businesses) who supported the illegal and murderous war in Iraq.. Lets show we really care about children! Who among the Moral Police gives a shit? Two said to me that it was a special situation because the girl had been up for it (this was a common theory at the time. The mob wants revenge. A pedophile. "We talked for 15 minutes and by the end she [Thompson] said she would get her name removed. i do realize that no ones is going to take me seriously,but here it goes anyways. Raphael Rebibo We should not however allow him to ever enter this country again. None of my business. Polanski has not served his time and now he is guilty of evading justice. Andre Buytaers Justice at least will have run its course. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to 'Wordle' #622. He fled the conviction. Diane Kurys On March 10, 1977, then-43-year-old film director Roman Polanski was arrested and charged in Los Angeles with six offenses against Samantha Gailey (now Geimer), [2] a then-13-year-old girl [3] - unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, a lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a For those of you who support Mr. Polanski, have you never considered that he has likely perpretrated the same things against some other young victim as he did Ms. Gailey? In the same interview, Portman said she "felt terrible" about accusations of whitewashing(Opens in a new tab) in her upcoming film Annihilation. He is a child rapist and he needs to pay for his crime. If you are rich, white, and especially if you are famous, the system in extremely biased in your favor. - lARP Perhaps the judge got away with what Polanski was accused of. 4. AFP is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested. Xavier Beauvois There are no hazy conspiracy theories we know exactly what happened because Polanski admitted to it and later wrote about it in astonishing detail in his autobiography, Roman by Polanski, published six years after he left the US and went to France, where he still lives. Gee, she got so uptight about cancer-adled, bedridden Sharon Atkins potential release saying she hadnt paid for her crime (and I agree, by the way). I happen to believe that. We worship/ed those artists just as they worship Polanski. They protect their own, I protect my own. But she is too busy preparing for Sundance to engage. - le Festival de Cannes Afp is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested Sunday in Switzerland on a warrant for a 1977 underage sex case in the United States. Kent Jones The fact that Polanski assumed that he could travel without hindrance shows only his blatant disregard for the law of any country. Polanski raped a thirteen year old girl and fled justice. Whether its 5 years or 20 years is irrelevant. Thats why even though there are many other bad things in the world, this one IS important. Accept Read More. She said regardless of the fact she knows him and the terrible things he has been through, a crime is a crime," Hayward-Tapp told the Independent in 2009. Roman was charged with sex with minor, not real rape. Alain Jessua Just ask her. That he happened to be a director you like does not change it. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu He fled the country to France before he could be properly sentenced. The petition was also signed by various other luminaries of the global film industry, including filmmaker Sam Mendes, actor Jeremy Irons, and actress Isabelle Adjani. Its not that people are not aware of the charges. The judge went back on his word because he was afriad of public opinion like yours. Polanski is a child molester. But, in truth, for many British and US actors, working with Polanski never lost its cachet, and arguably had even more once he became excluded from the US mainstream. Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renown [sic] and international artist now facing extradition. Under 1192.5 of the Penal Code that the approval of the Court to the plea is not binding to the Court.. (that the court may change the terms upon further review) How do you plead to this felony? If this was some normal guy from the streets of Chicago you would all be calling for his head. John Landis So many people seem to be against Mr. Polanski. Barbet Schroeder - le Groupe 25 images Shame on all of you. And please dont take the whole But but hes so charming and he gives to charity! defense. Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen want Roman Polanski released from a Swiss Jail. The progressive congresswoman was against the project, which was originally planned for Queens, New York. He should be brought to justice. Do you have kids??? Classic movies. Everytime you pop in Rosemarys baby or Chinatown think about how YOU helped commit the rape of a 13 year old girl. Tilda Swinton I plan to try very hard to never see any work done by anyone who signed this petition. Fonda made his professional. - la SACD Jacques Bral Polanski, you sense, has never even tried to understand this.) After Tate was murdered in 1969, when Polanski was 36, he spent time in Gstaad, where he slept with schoolgirls aged 16 to 19, who were, he writes, more beautiful, in a natural, coltish way, than they ever would be again. There is no one who is so talented that deserve to walk from something like this (and hes been walking for 30 years). We'll give you the hints and tips you need (and also the answers). It speaks terribly of the industry, she replies. Jonathan Demme Wow, this is maybe the finest list of people that Ive ever seen. In 1977, Roman Polanski was convicted of unlawful sex with a minor and fled the US rather than face jail time. Just as astonishing is Sharon Tates sister - a supposed victims advocate saying Polanski is a lovely man and should be free. Etienne Faure Free shipping for many products! Festival organisers rejected German actress Claudia Eisinger's call to lay out a black carpet in solidarity with sexual violence survivors, despite over 23,000 people signing her petition. We werent saying much now, Polanski writes. : Unsigned. But Zenovich does not mention how it also helped him. Socially conscious & political cinema. Kingsley, who has worked with Polanski multiple times, would need to pass. He then had sex with her, drove her home and, the next day, was arrested. If Hollywood has grown so insular from and arrogant to society at large, its time they were knocked down a peg or two. But one can have enormous sympathy for those losses, and also feel that offering up dead women as mitigating factors for raping a girl doesnt really wash. A petition demanding his release was signed by more than 100 actors and film-makers, including Emma Thompson (who later asked to have her name removed), Yasmina Reza and Tilda Swinton. But stop with the pathetic kowtowing to a predator, please. Oscars 2023: Best Picture Predictions The more Ive learned about the original case and subsequent events, the more horrified I have become., Since Argento went public with her allegations against Weinstein in October, a lot has been written about how the film industry will no longer cover up abuse. And yet, for the past 40 years, many of them have been falling over themselves to work with a self-confessed child rapist, even defending him by pointing to his artistic credentials. The Mexican director received criticism after he chose not to wear a Time's Up badge to the BAFTAs. The criminal case should be settled without any jail time. $17.99 + $4.99 shipping. Those of you who think this is the same as rape should watch Oleanna. So is Roman Polanski. What happened to the feminists?, Wow, Laslavic- you are one classy guy!(/sarcasm). i just cant comprehend how you can just so willingly run to the aid of a man who raped a child. I have read the facts and testimonies of the case.